Marco Zanon
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Cited by
Empathy for social exclusion involves the sensory-discriminative component of pain: a within-subject fMRI study
G Novembre, M Zanon, G Silani
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 10 (2), 153-164, 2015
A Bayesian perspective on sensory and cognitive integration in pain perception and placebo analgesia
D Anchisi, M Zanon
PloS one 10 (2), e0117270, 2015
Predicting response originality through brain activity: An analysis of changes in EEG alpha power during the generation of alternative ideas
S Agnoli, M Zanon, S Mastria, A Avenanti, GE Corazza
NeuroImage 207, 116385, 2020
Brain activity and prosocial behavior in a simulated life-threatening situation
M Zanon, G Novembre, N Zangrando, L Chittaro, G Silani
NeuroImage 98, 134-146, 2014
Enhancing creative cognition with a rapid right-parietal neurofeedback procedure
S Agnoli, M Zanon, S Mastria, A Avenanti, GE Corazza
Neuropsychologia 118, 99-106, 2018
Cortical connections between dorsal and ventral visual streams in humans: evidence by TMS/EEG co-registration
M Zanon, P Busan, F Monti, G Pizzolato, PP Battaglini
Brain Topography 22, 307-317, 2010
Neuroanatomical basis of concern-based altruism in virtual environment
I Patil, M Zanon, G Novembre, N Zangrando, L Chittaro, G Silani
Neuropsychologia 116, 34-43, 2018
Clustering and switching in divergent thinking: Neurophysiological correlates underlying flexibility during idea generation
S Mastria, S Agnoli, M Zanon, S Acar, MA Runco, GE Corazza
Neuropsychologia 158, 107890, 2021
Long-range neural activity evoked by premotor cortex stimulation: a TMS/EEG co-registration study
M Zanon, PP Battaglini, J Jarmolowska, G Pizzolato, P Busan
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 803, 2013
Creative brain, creative mind, creative person
S Mastria, S Agnoli, M Zanon, T Lubart, GE Corazza
Exploring transdisciplinarity in art and sciences, 3-29, 2018
Action-related dynamic changes in inferior frontal cortex effective connectivity: a TMS/EEG coregistration study
M Zanon, S Borgomaneri, A Avenanti
Cortex 108, 193-209, 2018
Posterior brain lesions selectively alter alpha oscillatory activity and predict visual performance in hemianopic patients
M Pietrelli, M Zanon, E Làdavas, PA Grasso, V Romei, C Bertini
Cortex 121, 347-361, 2019
Increasing associative plasticity in temporo-occipital back-projections improves visual perception of emotions
S Borgomaneri, M Zanon, P Di Luzio, A Cataneo, G Arcara, V Romei, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 5720, 2023
Alpha oscillations reveal implicit visual processing of motion in hemianopia
PA Grasso, M Pietrelli, M Zanon, E Làdavas, C Bertini
Cortex 122, 81-96, 2020
Bodily sensations in social scenarios: Where in the body?
G Novembre, M Zanon, I Morrison, E Ambron
PloS one 14 (6), e0206270, 2019
Dopamine supports idea originality: the role of spontaneous eye blink rate on divergent thinking
S Agnoli, S Mastria, M Zanon, GE Corazza
Psychological Research 87 (1), 17-27, 2023
Transcranial magnetic stimulation and preparation of visually-guided reaching movements
P Busan, M Zanon, F Vinciati, F Monti, G Pizzolato, PP Battaglini
Frontiers in neuroengineering 5, 18, 2012
Enhancing creative cognition with a rapid right-parietal neurofeedback procedure. Neuropsychologia, 118 (Part A), 99–106
S Agnoli, M Zanon, S Mastria, A Avenanti, GE Corazza
Hemispheric differences in altered reactivity of brain oscillations at rest after posterior lesions
J Gallina, M Pietrelli, M Zanon, C Bertini
Brain Structure and Function 227 (2), 709-723, 2022
Mu rhythm and corticospinal excitability capture two different frames of motor resonance: a TMS–EEG co-registration study
C Spaccasassi, M Zanon, S Borgomaneri, A Avenanti
Cortex 154, 197-211, 2022
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Articles 1–20