Biostratigraphy or biochronology? Lessons from the Early and Middle Miocene small mammal events in Europe AJ van der Meulen, I García-Paredes, MÁ Álvarez-Sierra, ... Geobios 44 (2-3), 309-321, 2011 | 79 | 2011 |
Los yacimientos de vertebrados del Mioceno medio de Somosaguas (Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid): implicaciones paleoambientales y paleoclimáticas M Hernández Fernández, JA Cárdaba, J Cuevas-González, O Fesharaki, ... Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), 2006 | 69 | 2006 |
Oligocene stratigraphy across the Eocene and Miocene boundaries in the Valley of Lakes (Mongolia) G Daxner-Höck, D Badamgarav, R Barsbold, B Bayarmaa, M Erbajeva, ... Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 97, 111-218, 2017 | 52 | 2017 |
El sistema de yacimientos de mamíferos miocenos del Cerro de los Batallones, Cuenca de Madrid: estado actual y perspectivas J Morales, M Pozo, PG Silva, MS Domingo, R López-Antoñanzas, ... | 49 | 2008 |
Stepwise onset of the Icehouse world and its impact on Oligo-Miocene Central Asian mammals M Harzhauser, G Daxner-Höck, P López-Guerrero, O Maridet, A Oliver, ... Scientific Reports 6 (1), 36169, 2016 | 37 | 2016 |
Revision of Cricetodon soriae (Rodentia, Mammalia), new data from the middle Aragonian (middle Miocene) of the Calatayud-Daroca Basin (Zaragoza, Spain) P López-Guerrero, I García-Paredes, MÁ Álvarez-Sierra Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 33 (1), 169-184, 2013 | 34 | 2013 |
The Aragonian and Vallesian high-resolution micromammal succession from the Calatayud-Montalbán Basin (Aragón, Spain) I García-Paredes, MÁ Álvarez-Sierra, LW Van den Hoek Ostende, ... Comptes Rendus Palevol 15 (7), 781-789, 2016 | 32 | 2016 |
Updated chronology for middle to late Miocene mammal sites of the Daroca area (Calatayud-Montalbán Basin, Spain) JA Van Dam, W Krijgsman, HA Abels, MA Alvarez-Sierra, ... Geobios 47 (5), 325-334, 2014 | 31 | 2014 |
Oligocene and early Miocene mammal biostratigraphy of the Valley of Lakes in Mongolia M Harzhauser, G Daxner-Höck, MA Erbajeva, P López-Guerrero, ... Palaeobiodiversity and palaeoenvironments 97, 219-231, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |
Cricetodontini (Cricetidae, Rodentia) del Aragoniense superior (Mioceno medio) de Nombrevilla 2,(Zaragoza, España). PL Guerrero, MÁÁ Sierra, R López-Antoñanzas, AO Pérez, ... Palaeontologica Nova 8, 259-271, 2008 | 20 | 2008 |
New Cricetodontini from the middle Miocene of Europe: an example of mosaic evolution. P López-Guerrero, MÁ Álvarez-Sierra, I García-Paredes, ... Bulletin of Geosciences 89, 573-592, 2014 | 19 | 2014 |
Dental microwear analysis in Gliridae (Rodentia): methodological issues and paleodiet inferences based on Armantomys from the Madrid Basin (Spain) A Oliver Pérez, V Hernández Vallarín, P López Guerrero, ... Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2014 | 17 | 2014 |
La deshonestidad, elemento que altera la integridad en las prácticas académicas en las Instituciones de Educación Superior. Estudios de caso comparados P Guerrero, J Mercado, LM Ibarra Investigación y formación pedagógica. Revista del Ciegc 3 (5), 6-25, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
Primer representante del género Megacricetodon de la Cuenca de Calatayud-Daroca (Zaragoza, España) AO Pérez, PL Guerrero, P Peláez-Campomanes Palaeontologica Nova 8, 317-329, 2008 | 16 | 2008 |
Cricetodontini from the Calatayud–Daroca Basin (Spain): A taxonomical description and update of their stratigraphical distributions P López-Guerrero, I García-Paredes, MÁ Álvarez-Sierra, ... Comptes Rendus Palevol 13 (8), 647-664, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Palaeodiversity of Cricetodontini during the late Aragonian (middle Miocene) from the European basins P López-Guerrero, I García-Paredes, J Prieto, R López-Antoñanzas, ... Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 95, 415-430, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
Palaeoenvironmental analysis of the Aragonian (middle Miocene) mammalian faunas from the Madrid Basin based on body-size structure G Yelo, AR Gómez Cano, JL Cantalapiedra, GM Alcalde, O Sanisidro, ... Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones …, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Cañada: a new micromammal succession from the lower Vallesian and Turolian of the Daroca area (Calatayud-Montalbán basin, Spain) P López-Guerrero, I García-Paredes, LW Van den Hoek Ostende, ... Instituto de Investigaciones Geológicas Lucas Mallada (Madrid), 2011 | 14 | 2011 |
Paleontología del yacimiento de vertebrados Aragoniense de Casa Montero (Madrid) P López Guerrero, A Oliver Pérez, MÁ Álvarez Sierra, G Paredes, ... | 14 | 2007 |
Cricetodontini (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Upper Aragonian and Lower Vallesian of the Toril-Nombrevilla section (Middle and Upper Miocene, Calatayud-Daroca Basin, Zaragoza … P Lopez-Guerrero, M Alvarez-Sierra, I Garcia-Paredes, ... Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 29, 161A-161A, 2009 | 12 | 2009 |