Greg Horwitz
Greg Horwitz
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Cited by
Comparative cellular analysis of motor cortex in human, marmoset and mouse
TE Bakken, NL Jorstad, Q Hu, BB Lake, W Tian, BE Kalmbach, M Crow, ...
Nature 598 (7879), 111-119, 2021
Separate signals for target selection and movement specification in the superior colliculus
GD Horwitz, WT Newsome
Science 284 (5417), 1158-1161, 1999
A multimodal cell census and atlas of the mammalian primary motor cortex
Principal manuscript editors, Analysis coordination, ...
Nature 598 (7879), 86-102, 2021
Target selection for saccadic eye movements: prelude activity in the superior colliculus during a direction-discrimination task
GD Horwitz, WT Newsome
Journal of neurophysiology 86 (5), 2543-2558, 2001
Advances in color science: from retina to behavior
BR Conway, S Chatterjee, GD Field, GD Horwitz, EN Johnson, K Koida, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (45), 14955-14963, 2010
Saccadic eye movements evoked by optogenetic activation of primate V1
M Jazayeri, Z Lindbloom-Brown, GD Horwitz
Nature neuroscience 15 (10), 1368-1370, 2012
Representation of an abstract perceptual decision in macaque superior colliculus
GD Horwitz, AP Batista, WT Newsome
Journal of neurophysiology 91 (5), 2281-2296, 2004
Selective and quickly reversible inactivation of mammalian neurons in vivo using the Drosophila allatostatin receptor
EM Tan, Y Yamaguchi, GD Horwitz, S Gosgnach, ES Lein, M Goulding, ...
Neuron 51 (2), 157-170, 2006
Two types of image generation: Evidence for left and right hemisphere processes
SM Kosslyn, V Maljkovic, SE Hamilton, G Horwitz, WL Thompson
Neuropsychologia 33 (11), 1485-1510, 1995
Functional enhancer elements drive subclass-selective expression from mouse to primate neocortex
JK Mich, LT Graybuck, EE Hess, JT Mahoney, Y Kojima, Y Ding, ...
Cell reports 34 (13), 2021
Modulation of associative memory function in a biophysical simulation of rat piriform cortex
E Barkai, RE Bergman, G Horwitz, ME Hasselmo
Journal of neurophysiology 72 (2), 659-677, 1994
Target selection for saccadic eye movements: direction-selective visual responses in the superior colliculus
GD Horwitz, WT Newsome
Journal of Neurophysiology 86 (5), 2527-2542, 2001
Nonlinear analysis of macaque V1 color tuning reveals cardinal directions for cortical color processing
GD Horwitz, CA Hass
Nature neuroscience 15 (6), 913-919, 2012
Viral vectors for neural circuit mapping and recent advances in trans-synaptic anterograde tracers
X Xu, TC Holmes, MH Luo, KT Beier, GD Horwitz, F Zhao, W Zeng, M Hui, ...
Neuron, 2020
Selective optogenetic control of Purkinje cells in monkey cerebellum
Y El-Shamayleh, Y Kojima, R Soetedjo, GD Horwitz
Neuron 95 (1), 51-62. e4, 2017
Cone inputs to simple and complex cells in V1 of awake macaque
GD Horwitz, EJ Chichilnisky, TD Albright
Journal of neurophysiology 97 (4), 3070-3081, 2007
Primate optogenetics: Progress and prognosis
Y El-Shamayleh, GD Horwitz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (52), 26195-26203, 2019
Blue-yellow signals are enhanced by spatiotemporal luminance contrast in macaque V1
GD Horwitz, EJ Chichilnisky, TD Albright
Journal of Neurophysiology 93 (4), 2263-2278, 2005
Strategies for targeting primate neural circuits with viral vectors
Y El-Shamayleh, AM Ni, GD Horwitz
Journal of neurophysiology 116 (1), 122-134, 2016
Evolution of cellular diversity in primary motor cortex of human, marmoset monkey, and mouse
TE Bakken, NL Jorstad, Q Hu, BB Lake, W Tian, BE Kalmbach, M Crow, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.03. 31.016972, 2020
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Articles 1–20