Parantapa Goswami
Cited by
Cited by
Period-aware content attention RNNs for time series forecasting with missing values
YG Cinar, H Mirisaee, P Goswami, E Gaussier, A Aït-Bachir
Neurocomputing 312, 177-186, 2018
Position-based content attention for time series forecasting with sequence-to-sequence RNNs
YG Cinar, H Mirisaee, P Goswami, E Gaussier, A Aït-Bachir, V Strijov
Neural Information Processing: 24th International Conference, ICONIP 2017 …, 2017
Time series forecasting using rnns: an extended attention mechanism to model periods and handle missing values
YG Cinar, H Mirisaee, P Goswami, E Gaussier, A Ait-Bachir, V Strijov
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.10089, 2017
Exploring the space of information retrieval term scoring functions
P Goswami, E Gaussier, MR Amini
Information Processing & Management 53 (2), 454-472, 2017
Transferring knowledge with source selection to learn ir functions on unlabeled collections
P Goswami, MR Amini, É Gaussier
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Information …, 2013
Exploring the space of IR functions
P Goswami, S Moura, E Gaussier, MR Amini, F Maes
Advances in Information Retrieval: 36th European Conference on IR Research …, 2014
Estimation of the collection parameter of information models for IR
P Goswami, E Gaussier
Advances in Information Retrieval: 35th European Conference on IR Research …, 2013
ERTIM@ MC2: Diversified Argumentative Tweets Retrieval
K Deturck, P Goswami, D Nouvel, F Segond
Batch (TREC) Indexing and Retrieval using Terrier 2.2.
P Goswami
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, 0
SIGIR 2020 E-Commerce Workshop Data Challenge Overview
H Amoualian, P Goswami, L Ach, P Das, P Montalvo
Study of Heuristic IR Constraints Under Function Discovery Framework
P Goswami, MR Amini, E Gaussier
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on The Theory of …, 2015
From Theory to Practice: Testing Harvesting-Based Propensity Estimators on Counterfactual Learning-To-Rank from Implicit Feedback for E-commerce Search
P Goswami, A Hoyos-Idrobo, T Deschamps, N Feuillet
An E-Commerce Dataset in French for Multi-modal Product Categorization and Cross-Modal Retrieval
H Amoualian, P Goswami, P Das, P Montalvo, L Ach, NR Dean
European Conference on Information Retrieval, 18-31, 2021
Language-independent Query Representation for IR Model Parameter Estimation on Unlabeled Collections
P Goswami, MR Amini, E Gaussier
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on The Theory of …, 2015
Transfer Learning for IR Model Parameter Tuning
A Goyal, G Balikas, P Goswami, MR Amini, E Gaussier
Conférence sur l'Apprentissage Automatique (CAp 2015), 2015
À la recherche des paramètres des modèles de RI.
P Goswami, MR Amini, E Gaussier
CORIA, 173-187, 2015
Learning Information Retrieval Functions and Parameters on Unlabeled Collections
P Goswami
Universite Joseph Fourier, 2014
Estimation du paramètre de collection des modèles d'information pour la RI.
P Goswami, E Gaussier
CORIA, 201-216, 2013
Query expansion using WordNet
P Goswami
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, 2011
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Articles 1–19