S A Grigera
S A Grigera
IFLYSIB, Universidad Nacional de La Plata y CONICET La Plata, Argentina
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Cited by
Dirac Strings and Magnetic Monopoles in the Spin Ice Dy2Ti2O7
DJP Morris, DA Tennant, SA Grigera, B Klemke, C Castelnovo, ...
Science 326 (5951), 411-414, 2009
Magnetic Field-Tuned Quantum Criticality in the Metallic Ruthenate Sr3Ru2O7
SA Grigera, RS Perry, AJ Schofield, M Chiao, SR Julian, GG Lonzarich, ...
Science 294 (5541), 329-332, 2001
Formation of a Nematic Fluid at High Fields in Sr3Ru2O7
RA Borzi, SA Grigera, J Farrell, RS Perry, SJS Lister, SL Lee, DA Tennant, ...
Science 315 (5809), 214-217, 2007
Metamagnetism and Critical Fluctuations in High Quality Single Crystals of the Bilayer Ruthenate
RS Perry, LM Galvin, SA Grigera, L Capogna, AJ Schofield, ...
Physical review letters 86 (12), 2661, 2001
Disorder-sensitive phase formation linked to metamagnetic quantum criticality
SA Grigera, P Gegenwart, RA Borzi, F Weickert, AJ Schofield, RS Perry, ...
Science 306 (5699), 1154-1157, 2004
Metamagnetic quantum criticality in metals
AJ Millis, AJ Schofield, GG Lonzarich, SA Grigera
Physical review letters 88 (21), 217204, 2002
Entropy Landscape of Phase Formation Associated with Quantum Criticality in Sr3Ru2O7
AW Rost, RS Perry, JF Mercure, AP Mackenzie, SA Grigera
Science 325 (5946), 1360-1363, 2009
Microscopic theory of the nematic phase in
S Raghu, A Paramekanti, EA Kim, RA Borzi, SA Grigera, AP Mackenzie, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (21), 214402, 2009
Sensitivity to disorder of the metallic state in the ruthenates
L Capogna, AP Mackenzie, RS Perry, SA Grigera, LM Galvin, ...
Physical review letters 88 (7), 076602, 2002
Multiple First-Order Metamagnetic Transitions and Quantum Oscillations <?format ?>in Ultrapure
RS Perry, K Kitagawa, SA Grigera, RA Borzi, AP Mackenzie, K Ishida, ...
Physical review letters 92 (16), 166602, 2004
Bose-Glass Phase in Twinned
SA Grigera, E Morré, E Osquiguil, C Balseiro, G Nieva, F De La Cruz
Physical review letters 81 (11), 2348, 1998
Angular dependence of the magnetic susceptibility in the itinerant metamagnet Sr 3 Ru 2 O 7
SA Grigera, RA Borzi, AP Mackenzie, SR Julian, RS Perry, Y Maeno
Physical Review B 67 (21), 214427, 2003
Pinned vortex liquid above the critical point of the first-order melting transition: a consequence of pointlike disorder
D López, L Krusin-Elbaum, H Safar, E Righi, F De la Cruz, S Grigera, ...
Physical review letters 80 (5), 1070, 1998
Machine-learning-assisted insight into spin ice Dy2Ti2O7
AM Samarakoon, K Barros, YW Li, M Eisenbach, Q Zhang, F Ye, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 892, 2020
Heavy d-electron quasiparticle interference and real-space electronic structure of Sr3Ru2O7
J Lee, MP Allan, MA Wang, J Farrell, SA Grigera, F Baumberger, JC Davis, ...
Nature Physics 5 (11), 800-804, 2009
Unconventional Magnetization Processes and Thermal Runaway in Spin-Ice
D Slobinsky, C Castelnovo, RA Borzi, AS Gibbs, AP Mackenzie, ...
Physical review letters 105 (26), 267205, 2010
Thermodynamics of phase formation in the quantum critical metal Sr3Ru2O7
AW Rost, SA Grigera, JAN Bruin, RS Perry, D Tian, S Raghu, SA Kivelson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (40), 16549-16553, 2011
Thermal Relaxation and Heat Transport in the Spin Ice Material Dy2Ti2O7
B Klemke, M Meissner, P Strehlow, K Kiefer, SA Grigera, DA Tennant
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 163, 345-369, 2011
Inhomogeneous Magnetic Phases: A Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Like Phase in
AM Berridge, AG Green, SA Grigera, BD Simons
Physical review letters 102 (13), 136404, 2009
Phase Bifurcation and Quantum Fluctuations in
AG Green, SA Grigera, RA Borzi, AP Mackenzie, RS Perry, BD Simons
Physical review letters 95 (8), 086402, 2005
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Articles 1–20