Daniel W. Meyer
Daniel W. Meyer
Senior Scientist / Senior Lecturer, ETH Zürich
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Multilevel Monte Carlo for two phase flow and Buckley–Leverett transport in random heterogeneous porous media
F Müller, P Jenny, DW Meyer
Journal of Computational Physics 250, 685-702, 2013
A mixing model for turbulent flows based on parameterized scalar profiles
DW Meyer, P Jenny
Physics of Fluids 18 (3), 2006
Particle‐based transport model with Markovian velocity processes for tracer dispersion in highly heterogeneous porous media
DW Meyer, HA Tchelepi
Water Resources Research 46 (11), 2010
A joint velocity‐concentration PDF method for tracer flow in heterogeneous porous media
DW Meyer, P Jenny, HA Tchelepi
Water Resources Research 46 (12), 2010
Micromixing models for turbulent flows
DW Meyer, P Jenny
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (4), 1275-1293, 2009
Probabilistic collocation and lagrangian sampling for advective tracer transport in randomly heterogeneous porous media
F Müller, P Jenny, DW Meyer
Advances in Water Resources 34 (12), 1527-1538, 2011
Non-local formulation for multiscale flow in porous media
AH Delgoshaie, DW Meyer, P Jenny, HA Tchelepi
Journal of Hydrology 531, 649-654, 2015
High-pass filtered eddy-viscosity models for LES
S Stolz, P Schlatter, D Meyer, L Kleiser
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation V: Proceedings of the fifth international …, 2004
Pore-scale dispersion: Bridging the gap between microscopic pore structure and the emerging macroscopic transport behavior
DW Meyer, B Bijeljic
Physical Review E 94 (1), 013107, 2016
A fast simulation method for uncertainty quantification of subsurface flow and transport
DW Meyer, HA Tchelepi, P Jenny
Water Resources Research 49 (5), 2359-2379, 2013
Solver-based vs. grid-based multilevel Monte Carlo for two phase flow and transport in random heterogeneous porous media
F Müller, DW Meyer, P Jenny
Journal of Computational Physics 268, 39-50, 2014
A new particle interaction mixing model for turbulent dispersion and turbulent reactive flows
DW Meyer
Physics of fluids 22 (3), 2010
Conservative velocity interpolation for PDF methods
DW Meyer, P Jenny
PAMM: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 4 (1), 466-467, 2004
High-speed x-ray phase-contrast imaging of single cavitation bubbles near a solid boundary
GT Bokman, L Biasiori-Poulanges, B Lukić, C Bourquard, DW Meyer, ...
Physics of Fluids 35 (1), 2023
Data-based modeling of gas-surface interaction in rarefied gas flow simulations
N Andric, DW Meyer, P Jenny
Physics of Fluids 31 (6), 2019
Modelling of turbulence modulation in particle-or droplet-laden flows
DW Meyer
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 706, 251-273, 2012
An improved mixing model providing joint statistics of scalar and scalar dissipation
DW Meyer, P Jenny
Combustion and Flame 155 (3), 490-508, 2008
A mixing model providing joint statistics of scalar and scalar dissipation rate
DW Meyer, P Jenny
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (1), 1613-1620, 2009
Evaporating droplets in shear turbulence
P Weiss, V Giddey, DW Meyer, P Jenny
Physics of Fluids 32 (7), 2020
Evaporating droplets in turbulence studied with statistically stationary homogeneous direct numerical simulation
P Weiss, DW Meyer, P Jenny
Physics of Fluids 30 (8), 2018
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Articles 1–20