Non-conformal Loewner type estimates for modulus of curve families T Adamowicz, N Shanmugalingam
Annales Fennici Mathematici 35 (2), 609-626, 2010
81 2010 Maximal operator in variable exponent Lebesgue spaces on unbounded quasimetric measure spaces T Adamowicz, P Harjulehto, P Hästö
Math. Scand. 116 (1), 2015
76 2015 Prime ends for domains in metric spaces T Adamowicz, A Björn, J Björn, N Shanmugalingam
Advances in Mathematics 238, 459-505, 2013
45 2013 Harnack's inequality and the strong p (⋅)-Laplacian T Adamowicz, P Hästö
Journal of Differential Equations 250 (3), 1631-1649, 2011
41 2011 Mappings of finite distortion and PDE with nonstandard growth T Adamowicz, P Hästö
International Mathematics Research Notices 2010 (10), 1940-1965, 2010
23 2010 Harmonic functions on metric measure spaces T Adamowicz, M Gaczkowski, P Górka
Revista Matemática Complutense 32, 141-186, 2019
20 2019 On p-harmonic mappings in the plane T Adamowicz
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 71 (1-2), 502-511, 2009
18 2009 The boundary Harnack inequality for variable exponent -Laplacian, Carleson estimates, barrier functions and -harmonic measures T Adamowicz, NLP Lundström
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923-) 195 (2), 623-658, 2016
13 2016 Hölder continuity of quasiminimizers with nonstandard growth T Adamowicz, O Toivanen
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13 2015 Regularity of -superharmonic functions, the Kellogg property and semiregular boundary points T Adamowicz, A Björn, J Björn
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire, doi:10.1016/j.anihpc.2013, 0
12 * Prime ends in metric spaces and quasiconformal-type mappings T Adamowicz
Analysis and Mathematical Physics 9 (4), 1941-1975, 2019
11 2019 Mean value property and harmonicity on Carnot-Carathéodory groups T Adamowicz, B Warhurst
Potential Analysis 52, 497-525, 2020
10 2020 On a Variant of the Maximum Principle Involving Radial p-Laplacian with Applications to Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems and Nonexistence Results T Adamowicz, A Kalamajska
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 34 (1), 1, 2009
10 2009 Asymptotically mean value harmonic functions in doubling metric measure spaces T Adamowicz, A Kijowski, E Soultanis
Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces 10 (1), 344-372, 2022
9 2022 The Liouville theorems for elliptic equations with nonstandard growth T Adamowicz, P Górka
arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.6359, 2014
9 2014 Maximum principles and nonexistence results for radial solutions to equations involving p ‐Laplacian T Adamowicz, A Kałamajska
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences 13 (33), 1618-1627, 2010
9 2010 Variational approach to the asymptotic mean-value property for the p-Laplacian on Carnot groups T Adamowicz, A Kijowski, A Pinamonti, B Warhurst
Nonlinear Analysis 198, 111893, 2020
8 2020 Remarks on time map for quasilinear equations T Adamowicz, P Korman
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 376 (2), 686-695, 2011
8 2011 Prime ends in metric spaces and boundary extensions of mappings T Adamowicz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.02393, 2016
7 2016 The geometry of planar p-harmonic mappings: convexity, level curves and the isoperimetric inequality T Adamowicz
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa. 14 (2), doi: 10.2422/2036-2145.20, 2015
7 2015