Kenneth C. Shadlen
Cited by
Cited by
Challenges in ensuring global access to COVID-19 vaccines: production, affordability, allocation, and deployment
OJ Wouters, KC Shadlen, M Salcher-Konrad, AJ Pollard, HJ Larson, ...
The Lancet 397 (10278), 1023-1034, 2021
Exchanging development for market access? Deep integration and industrial policy under multilateral and regional-bilateral trade agreements
KC Shadlen
Review of international political economy 12 (5), 750-775, 2005
The political economy of intellectual property protection: The case of software
KC Shadlen, A Schrank, MJ Kurtz
International Studies Quarterly 49 (1), 45-71, 2005
Globalisation, power and integration: The political economy of regional and bilateral trade agreements in the Americas
K Shadlen
The Journal of Development Studies 44 (1), 1-20, 2008
The political economy of AIDS treatment: intellectual property and the transformation of generic supply
KC Shadlen
International Studies Quarterly 51 (3), 559-581, 2007
The politics of patents and drugs in Brazil and Mexico: the industrial bases of health policies
KC Shadlen
Comparative politics 42 (1), 41-58, 2009
The COVID-19 Innovation System: Article describes innovations that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic.
BN Sampat, KC Shadlen
Health Affairs 40 (3), 400-409, 2021
The politics of COVID-19 vaccination in middle-income countries: Lessons from Brazil
EM da Fonseca, KC Shadlen, FI Bastos
Social Science & Medicine 281, 114093, 2021
Patents and pills, power and procedure: The North-South politics of public health in the WTO
KC Shadlen
Studies in Comparative International Development 39, 76-108, 2004
Democratization without representation: The politics of small industry in Mexico
KC Shadlen
Penn State University Press, 2015
Neoliberalism, Corporatism, and Small Business Political Activism in Contemporary Mexico∗
KC Shadlen
Latin American Research Review 35 (2), 73-106, 2000
Political trade dependence and North–South trade agreements
MS Manger, KC Shadlen
International studies quarterly 58 (1), 79-91, 2014
Policy space for development in the WTO and beyond: the case of intellectual property rights
K Shadlen
Health policy as industrial policy: Brazil in comparative perspective
KC Shadlen, EM Fonseca
Politics & Society 41 (4), 561-587, 2013
Twenty-five years since TRIPS: Patent policy and international business
S Athreye, L Piscitello, KC Shadlen
Journal of International Business Policy 3 (4), 315, 2020
Coalitions and compliance: the political economy of pharmaceutical patents in Latin America
KC Shadlen
Oxford University Press, 2017
Patents, trade and medicines: past, present and future
KC Shadlen, BN Sampat, A Kapczynski
Review of International Political Economy 27 (1), 75-97, 2020
Politics of intellectual property: contestation over the ownership, use, and control of knowledge and information
S Haunss, KC Shadlen
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009
Analyzing the impact of trade and investment agreements on pharmaceutical policy: provisions, pathways and potential impacts
D Gleeson, J Lexchin, R Labonté, B Townsend, MA Gagnon, J Kohler, ...
Globalization and Health 15, 1-17, 2019
The political contradictions of incremental innovation: lessons from pharmaceutical patent examination in Brazil
KC Shadlen
Politics & society 39 (2), 143-174, 2011
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Articles 1–20