N. Sh. Izmailian
N. Sh. Izmailian
Yerevan physics institute
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The two-point resistance of a resistor network: a new formulation and application to the cobweb network
NS Izmailian, R Kenna, FY Wu
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (3), 035003, 2013
Logarithmic conformal field theory and boundary effects in the dimer model
NS Izmailian, VB Priezzhev, P Ruelle, CK Hu
Physical review letters 95 (26), 260602, 2005
Exact phase diagrams for an Ising model on a two-layer Bethe lattice
CK Hu, NS Izmailian, KB Oganesyan
Physical Review E 59 (6), 6489, 1999
Phase diagrams and tricritical effects in the beg model
NS Ananikian, AR Avakian, NS Izmailian
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 172 (3), 391-404, 1991
Detection of Casimir photons with electrons
EM Sarkisyan, KG Petrosyan, KB Oganesyan, AA Hakobyan, VA Saakyan, ...
Laser Physics 18, 621-624, 2008
Asymptotic expansion for the resistance between two maximally separated nodes on an by resistor network
NS Izmailian, MC Huang
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (1 …, 2010
Exact universal amplitude ratios for two-dimensional Ising models and a quantum spin chain
NS Izmailian, CK Hu
Physical Review Letters 86 (22), 5160, 2001
Kronecker's double series and exact asymptotic expansions for free models of statistical mechanics on torus
EV Ivashkevich, NS Izmailian, CK Hu
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 35 (27), 5543, 2002
Exact finite-size corrections of the free energy for the square lattice dimer model under different boundary conditions
NS Izmailian, KB Oganesyan, CK Hu
Physical Review E 67 (6), 066114, 2003
Threshold properties of free electron lasers without inversion
DN Klochkov, AH Gevorgyan, NS Izmailian, KB Oganesyan
Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences) 51, 237-243, 2016
Exact amplitude ratio and finite-size corrections for the M× N square lattice Ising model
NS Izmailian, CK Hu
Physical Review E 65 (3), 036103, 2002
Exact correlation functions of Bethe lattice spin models in external magnetic fields
CK Hu, NS Izmailian
Physical Review E 58 (2), 1644, 1998
Laser cooling of electrons and X-ray generation in a relativistic quantum heat engine
VV Arutyunyan, NS Izmailyan, KB Oganesyan, KG Petrosyan, CK Hu
Laser Physics 17, 1073-1076, 2007
Comparison of methods to determine point-to-point resistance in nearly rectangular networks with application to a ‘hammock’network
JW Essam, NS Izmailyan, R Kenna, ZZ Tan
Royal Society Open Science 2 (4), 140420, 2015
Exact spin–spin correlation functions of Bethe lattice Ising and BEG models in external fields
NS Izmailian, CK Hu
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 254 (1-2), 198-206, 1998
Generation of induced Smith-Purcell radiation: free-electron laser in open system
DN Klochkov, KB Oganesyan, EA Ayryan, NS Izmailian
Journal of Modern Optics 63 (7), 653-659, 2016
Universal finite-size scaling functions with exact nonuniversal metric factors
MC Wu, CK Hu, NS Izmailian
Physical Review E 67 (6), 065103, 2003
Finite-size behavior of the critical Ising model on a rectangle with free boundaries
X Wu, N Izmailian, W Guo
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (4 …, 2012
Finite-size corrections and scaling for the triangular lattice dimer model with periodic boundary conditions
NS Izmailian, KB Oganesyan, MC Wu, CK Hu
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (1 …, 2006
A generalised formulation of the Laplacian approach to resistor networks
NS Izmailian, R Kenna
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014 (9), P09016, 2014
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Articles 1–20