Yunus Alapan
Cited by
Cited by
Extreme sensitivity biosensing platform based on hyperbolic metamaterials
KV Sreekanth, Y Alapan, M ElKabbash, E Ilker, M Hinczewski, UA Gurkan, ...
Nature Materials 15 (6), 621-627, 2016
Soft erythrocyte-based bacterial microswimmers for cargo delivery
Y Alapan, O Yasa, O Schauer, J Giltinan, AF Tabak, V Sourjik, M Sitti
Science Robotics 3 (17), eaar4423, 2018
Multifunctional surface microrollers for targeted cargo delivery in physiological blood flow
Y Alapan, U Bozuyuk, P Erkoc, AC Karacakol, M Sitti
Science Robotics 5 (42), eaba5726, 2020
Reprogrammable shape morphing of magnetic soft machines
Y Alapan, AC Karacakol, SN Guzelhan, I Isik, M Sitti
Science Advances 6 (38), eabc6414, 2020
Mobile microrobots for active therapeutic delivery
P Erkoc, IC Yasa, H Ceylan, O Yasa, Y Alapan, M Sitti
Advanced Therapeutics 2 (1), 1800064, 2019
Microalga‐powered microswimmers toward active cargo delivery
O Yasa, P Erkoc, Y Alapan, M Sitti
Advanced Materials 30 (45), 1804130, 2018
Microrobotics and microorganisms: Biohybrid autonomous cellular robots
Y Alapan, O Yasa, B Yigit, IC Yasa, P Erkoc, M Sitti
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 2 (1), 205-230, 2019
Programmable collective behavior in dynamically self‐assembled mobile microrobotic swarms
B Yigit, Y Alapan, M Sitti
Advanced Science 6 (6), 1801837, 2019
Shape-encoded dynamic assembly of mobile micromachines
Y Alapan, B Yigit, O Beker, AF Demirörs, M Sitti
Nature Materials 18 (11), 1244-1251, 2019
Magnetically steerable bacterial microrobots moving in 3D biological matrices for stimuli-responsive cargo delivery
MB Akolpoglu, Y Alapan, NO Dogan, SF Baltaci, O Yasa, G Aybar Tural, ...
Science Advances 8 (28), eabo6163, 2022
Heterogeneous red blood cell adhesion and deformability in sickle cell disease
Y Alapan, JA Little, UA Gurkan
Scientific Reports 4 (1), 7173, 2014
A multiband perfect absorber based on hyperbolic metamaterials
KV Sreekanth, M ElKabbash, Y Alapan, AR Rashed, UA Gurkan, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 26272, 2016
Sickle cell disease biochip: a functional red blood cell adhesion assay for monitoring sickle cell disease
Y Alapan, C Kim, A Adhikari, KE Gray, E Gurkan-Cavusoglu, JA Little, ...
Translational Research 173, 74-91. e8, 2016
Enhancing the angular sensitivity of plasmonic sensors using hyperbolic metamaterials
KV Sreekanth, Y Alapan, M ElKabbash, AM Wen, E Ilker, M Hinczewski, ...
Advanced optical materials 4 (11), 1767-1772, 2016
Emerging point-of-care technologies for sickle cell disease screening and monitoring
Y Alapan, A Fraiwan, E Kucukal, MN Hasan, R Ung, M Kim, I Odame, ...
Expert review of medical devices 13 (12), 1073-1093, 2016
Light-driven carbon nitride microswimmers with propulsion in biological and ionic media and responsive on-demand drug delivery
V Sridhar, F Podjaski, Y Alapan, J Kröger, L Grunenberg, V Kishore, ...
Science Robotics 7 (62), eabm1421, 2022
Dynamic deformability of sickle red blood cells in microphysiological flow
Y Alapan, Y Matsuyama, JA Little, UA Gurkan
Technology 4 (02), 71-79, 2016
Shape anisotropy-governed locomotion of surface microrollers on vessel-like microtopographies against physiological flows
U Bozuyuk, Y Alapan, A Aghakhani, M Yunusa, M Sitti
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (13), e2022090118, 2021
Micro and nano-scale technologies for cell mechanics
M Unal, Y Alapan, H Jia, AG Varga, K Angelino, M Aslan, I Sayin, C Han, ...
Nanobiomedicine 1 (Godište 2014), 1-5, 2014
Cohesive self-organization of mobile microrobotic swarms
B Yigit, Y Alapan, M Sitti
Soft Matter 16 (8), 1996-2004, 2020
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Articles 1–20