shiqiong hu
shiqiong hu
National Institutes of Health
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Cited by
Severe osmotic compression triggers a slowdown of intracellular signaling, which can be explained by molecular crowding
A Miermont, F Waharte, S Hu, MN McClean, S Bottani, S Léon, P Hersen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (14), 5725-5730, 2013
Long-range self-organization of cytoskeletal myosin II filament stacks
S Hu, K Dasbiswas, Z Guo, YH Tee, V Thiagarajan, P Hersen, TL Chew, ...
Nature cell biology 19 (2), 133-141, 2017
Myosin IIA and formin dependent mechanosensitivity of filopodia adhesion
NO Alieva, AK Efremov, S Hu, D Oh, Z Chen, M Natarajan, HT Ong, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 3593, 2019
Ordering of myosin II filaments driven by mechanical forces: experiments and theory
K Dasbiswas, S Hu, F Schnorrer, SA Safran, AD Bershadsky
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373 …, 2018
Structured illumination microscopy reveals focal adhesions are composed of linear subunits
S Hu, YH Tee, A Kabla, R Zaidel‐Bar, A Bershadsky, P Hersen
Cytoskeleton 72 (5), 235-245, 2015
Podosome rings generate forces that drive saltatory osteoclast migration
S Hu, E Planus, D Georgess, C Place, X Wang, C Albiges-Rizo, P Jurdic, ...
Molecular biology of the cell 22 (17), 3120-3126, 2011
Cutaneous human papillomavirus type 38 E7 regulates actin cytoskeleton structure for increasing cell proliferation through CK2 and the eukaryotic elongation factor 1A
J Yue, R Shukla, R Accardi, I Zanella-Cleon, M Siouda, MP Cros, ...
Journal of virology 85 (17), 8477-8494, 2011
Reciprocal regulation of actomyosin organization and contractility in nonmuscle cells by tropomyosins and alpha-actinins
S Hu, H Grobe, Z Guo, YH Wang, BL Doss, M Pan, B Ladoux, ...
Molecular Biology of the Cell 30 (16), 2025-2036, 2019
Internal dynamics of actin structures involved in the cell motility and adhesion: Modeling of the podosomes at the molecular level
S Hu, T Biben, X Wang, P Jurdic, JC Géminard
Journal of theoretical biology 270 (1), 25-30, 2011
Actin nano-architecture of phagocytic podosomes
JC Herron, S Hu, T Watanabe, AT Nogueira, B Liu, ME Kern, J Aaron, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 4363, 2022
Spatial models of pattern formation during phagocytosis
JC Herron, S Hu, B Liu, T Watanabe, KM Hahn, TC Elston
PLoS Computational Biology 18 (10), e1010092, 2022
Registry kinetics of myosin motor stacks driven by mechanical force-induced actin turnover
K Dasbiswas, S Hu, AD Bershadsky, SA Safran
Biophysical Journal 117 (5), 856-866, 2019
Force dependence of filopodia adhesion: involvement of myosin II and formins
NO Alieva, AK Efremov, S Hu, D Oh, Z Chen, M Natarajan, HT Ong, ...
bioRxiv, 195420, 2017
Hemifusomes and Interacting Proteolipid Nanodroplets Mediate Multi-Vesicular Body Formation
A Tavakoli, S Hu, S Ebrahim, B Kachar
Research Square, rs. 3. rs-5200876, 2024
Hemifusomes and Interacting Proteolipid Nanodroplets Mediate Multi-Vesicular Body Formation
B Kachar, A Tavakoli, S Hu, S Ebrahim
Hemifusomes and Interacting Proteolipid Nanodroplets: Formation of a Novel Cellular Organelle Complex
A Tavakoli, S Hu, S Ebrahim, B Kachar
bioRxiv, 2024.08. 28.610112, 2024
Probing mechanotransduction pathways through visualization and control of vinculin conformation
JM Szulczewski, M Choi, S Hu, KM Hahn
Biophysical Journal 122 (3), 323a, 2023
Images used for Actin nano-architecture of phagocytic podosomes
JC Herron, S Hu, T Watanabe, KM Hahn
(No Title), 2022
Mechanical Force-Driven Registry of Non-Muscle Myosin in Fibroblasts
K Dasbiswas, S Hu, AD Bershadsky, S Safran
Biophysical Journal 118 (3), 438a, 2020
Long-range self-organization of cytoskeletal myosin II filament stacks (vol 19, pg 133, 2017)
S Hu, K Dasbiswas, Z Guo, YH Tee, V Thiagarajan, P Hersen, TL Chew, ...
NATURE CELL BIOLOGY 19 (3), 258-258, 2017
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Articles 1–20