Wouter-Jan Rappel
Wouter-Jan Rappel
Distinguished research scientist, UC San Diego
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Quantitative phase-field modeling of dendritic growth in two and three dimensions
A Karma, WJ Rappel
Physical review E 57 (4), 4323, 1998
Treatment of atrial fibrillation by the ablation of localized sources: CONFIRM (Conventional Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation With or Without Focal Impulse and Rotor Modulation …
SM Narayan, DE Krummen, K Shivkumar, P Clopton, WJ Rappel, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 60 (7), 628-636, 2012
Phase-field method for computationally efficient modeling of solidification with arbitrary interface kinetics
A Karma, WJ Rappel
Physical review E 53 (4), R3017, 1996
Self-organization in systems of self-propelled particles
H Levine, WJ Rappel, I Cohen
Physical Review E 63 (1), 017101, 2000
Clinical mapping approach to diagnose electrical rotors and focal impulse sources for human atrial fibrillation
SM Narayan, DE Krummen, WJAN RAPPEL
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 23 (5), 447-454, 2012
Phase-field model of dendritic sidebranching with thermal noise
A Karma, WJ Rappel
Physical review E 60 (4), 3614, 1999
Numerical simulation of three-dimensional dendritic growth
A Karma, WJ Rappel
Physical Review Letters 77 (19), 4050, 1996
Computational model for cell morphodynamics
D Shao, WJ Rappel, H Levine
Physical review letters 105 (10), 108104, 2010
Coupling actin flow, adhesion, and morphology in a computational cell motility model
D Shao, H Levine, WJ Rappel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (18), 6851-6856, 2012
CO2 sensing and CO2 regulation of stomatal conductance: advances and open questions
CB Engineer, M Hashimoto-Sugimoto, J Negi, M Israelsson-Nordström, ...
Trends in Plant Science 21 (1), 16-30, 2016
Alignment of cellular motility forces with tissue flow as a mechanism for efficient wound healing
M Basan, J Elgeti, E Hannezo, WJ Rappel, H Levine
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (7), 2452-2459, 2013
Dictyostelium discoideum chemotaxis: threshold for directed motion
L Song, SM Nadkarni, HU Bödeker, C Beta, A Bae, C Franck, WJ Rappel, ...
European journal of cell biology 85 (9-10), 981-989, 2006
Dynamics of the globally coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau equation
V Hakim, WJ Rappel
Physical Review A 46 (12), R7347, 1992
Physical models of collective cell motility: from cell to tissue
BA Camley, WJ Rappel
Journal of physics D: Applied physics 50 (11), 113002, 2017
Directional sensing in eukaryotic chemotaxis: a balanced inactivation model
H Levine, DA Kessler, WJ Rappel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (26), 9761-9766, 2006
Self-organized vortex state in two-dimensional Dictyostelium dynamics
WJ Rappel, A Nicol, A Sarkissian, H Levine, WF Loomis
Physical review letters 83 (6), 1247, 1999
Modeling wave propagation in realistic heart geometries using the phase-field method
FH Fenton, EM Cherry, A Karma, WJ Rappel
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 15 (1), 2005
Stochastic resonance in an autonomous system with a nonuniform limit cycle
WJ Rappel, SH Strogatz
Physical Review E 50 (4), 3249, 1994
Incoherent feedforward control governs adaptation of activated ras in a eukaryotic chemotaxis pathway
K Takeda, D Shao, M Adler, PG Charest, WF Loomis, H Levine, ...
Science signaling 5 (205), ra2-ra2, 2012
Methods for the detection and/or diagnosis of biological rhythm disorders
S Narayan, WJ Rappel
US Patent 8,521,266, 2013
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Articles 1–20