Alexandra E Boehm
Alexandra E Boehm
Postdoctoral researcher, University of California, Berkeley
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Compensation for red-green contrast loss in anomalous trichromats
AE Boehm, DIA MacLeod, JM Bosten
Journal of vision 14 (13), 19-19, 2014
Empirical evidence for unique hues?
JM Bosten, AE Boehm
JOSA A 31 (4), A385-A393, 2014
The effects of fixational tremor on the retinal image
NR Bowers, AE Boehm, A Roorda
Journal of vision 19 (11), 8-8, 2019
Spatial summation of individual cones in human color vision
BP Schmidt, AE Boehm, WS Tuten, A Roorda
PLoS One 14 (7), e0211397, 2019
Comparing cone structure and function in RHO-and RPGR-associated retinitis pigmentosa
KG Foote, JJ Wong, AE Boehm, E Bensinger, TC Porco, A Roorda, ...
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61 (4), 42-42, 2020
The spectral identity of foveal cones is preserved in hue perception
BP Schmidt, AE Boehm, KG Foote, A Roorda
Journal of vision 18 (11), 19-19, 2018
Color discrimination in anomalous trichromacy: Experiment and theory
AE Boehm, J Bosten, DIA MacLeod
Vision research 188, 85-95, 2021
Transverse chromatic offsets with pupil displacements in the human eye: sources of variability and methods for real-time correction
AE Boehm, CM Privitera, BP Schmidt, A Roorda
Biomedical Optics Express 10 (4), 1691-1706, 2019
Boosting 2-photon vision with adaptive optics
HK Doyle, SR Herbeck, AE Boehm, JE Vanston, R Ng, WS Tuten, ...
Journal of Vision 23 (12), 4-4, 2023
It's not easy seeing green: The veridical perception of small spots
JE Vanston, AE Boehm, WS Tuten, A Roorda
Journal of Vision 23 (5), 2-2, 2023
Functional organization of color in the trichromatic cone mosaic
R Sabesan, B Schmidt, WS Tuten, A Boehm, A Roorda
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56 (7), 4013-4013, 2015
Unique yellow shifts for small and brief stimuli in the central retina
MJ Greene, AE Boehm, JE Vanston, VP Pandiyan, R Sabesan, WS Tuten
Journal of Vision 24 (6), 2-2, 2024
Boosting 2-Photon Vision with Adaptive Optics
H Doyle, S Herbeck, AE Boehm, J Vanston, R Ng, A Roorda
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63 (7), 4551–F0465-4551–F0465, 2022
Mapping the spatial extent of perceptive fields for flicker adaptation using retinally stabilized stimuli
AE Boehm, DM Levi, CM Privitera, A Roorda
Journal of Vision 17 (7), 18-18, 2017
Unique yellow shifts for
MJ Greene, AE Boehm, JE Vanston, VP Pandiyan, R Sabesan, WS Tuten
Contributed Session II: Computational modeling of shift in unique yellow for small stimuli
C Rodriguez, LQ Zhang, AE Boehm, MJ Greene, WS Tuten, DH Brainard
Journal of Vision 23 (15), 78-78, 2023
Eliciting Color Percepts over Extended Fields through Cone-by-Cone Stimulation
HK Doyle, J Fong, C Wang, SR Herbeck, JE Vanston, AE Boehm, ...
Journal of Vision 23 (11), 46-46, 2023
Influence of stimulus size, intensity, & natural eye motion on small-field color perception
JE Vanston, AE Boehm, WS Tuten, AJ Roorda
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 62 (8), 2819-2819, 2021
Variation in unique yellow for small foveal spots
AE Boehm, JE Vanston, GD Hastings, AJ Roorda, WS Tuten
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 62 (8), 2815-2815, 2021
Structure and function in retinitis pigmentosa patients with mutations in RHO vs. RPGR
KG Foote, JJ Wong, AE Boehm, E Bensinger, TC Porco, A Roorda, ...
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60 (9), 5169-5169, 2019
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Articles 1–20