Hamed Alhoori
Hamed Alhoori
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science at Northern Illinois University
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Early Indicators of Scientific Impact: Predicting Citations with Altmetrics
AP Akella, H Alhoori, PR Kondamudi, C Freeman, H Zhou
Journal of Informetrics 15 (2), 2021
Recommendation of scholarly venues based on dynamic user interests
H Alhoori, R Furuta
Journal of Informetrics 11 (2), 553-563, 2017
Do Altmetrics Follow the Crowd or Does the Crowd Follow Altmetrics?
H Alhoori, R Furuta
2014 IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2014
On the Relationship between Open Access and Altmetrics
H Alhoori, S Ray Choudhury, T Kanan, E Fox, R Furuta, CL Giles
iConference 2015 Proceedings, 2015
Measuring the Diversity of Facebook Reactions to Research
C Freeman, H Alhoori, M Shahzad
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction: International …, 2020
Altmetrics for Country-Level Research Assessment
H Alhoori, R Furuta, M Tabet, M Samaka, E Fox
The 16th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL …, 2014
Understanding the dynamic scholarly research needs and behavior as applied to social reference management
H Alhoori, R Furuta
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 169-178, 2011
Shared Feelings: Understanding Facebook Reactions to Scholarly Articles
C Freeman, MK Roy, M Fattoruso, H Alhoori
2019 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2019
YouTube and science: models for research impact
AR Shaikh, H Alhoori, M Sun
Scientometrics 128 (2), 933-955, 2023
Anatomy of scholarly information behavior patterns in the wake of academic social media platforms
H Alhoori, M Samaka, R Furuta, EA Fox
International Journal on Digital Libraries, 1-21, 2018
Data-Driven Acid Fracture Conductivity Correlations Honoring Different Mineralogy and Etching Patterns
M Desouky, Z Tariq, MS Aljawad, H Alhoori, ...
ACS Omega, 2020
Machine Learning-Based Propped Fracture Conductivity Correlations of Several Shale Formations
M Desouky, Z Tariq, MS Aljawad, H Alhoori, M Mahmoud, A Abdulraheem
ACS omega 6 (29), 18782-18792, 2021
Can Social Reference Management Systems Predict a Ranking of Scholarly Venues?
H Alhoori, R Furuta
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL …, 2013
Predicting Research that will be Cited in Policy Documents
B Kale, HV Siravuri, H Alhoori, ME Papka
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Web Science Conference, 389-390, 2017
A multi-level semantic web for hard-to-specify domain concept, Pedestrian, in ML-based software
H Barzamini, M Shahzad, H Alhoori, M Rahimi
Requirements Engineering, 1-22, 2022
Predicting Facebook sentiments towards research
M Shahzad, C Freeman, M Rahimi, H Alhoori
Natural Language Processing Journal 3, 100010, 2023
SightBi: Exploring Cross-View Data Relationships with Biclusters
M Sun, AR Shaikh, H Alhoori, J Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of …, 2021
Supporting the creation of scholarly bibliographies by communities through online reputation based social collaboration
H Alhoori, O Alvarez, R Furuta, M Muñiz, E Urbina
13th European Conference on Digital Libraries, ECDL 2009, 180-191, 2009
Public Reaction to Scientific Research via Twitter Sentiment Prediction
M Shahzad, H Alhoori
Journal of Data and Information Science, 2022
Using a Recommendation System to Support Problem Solving and Case-Based Reasoning Retrieval
AA Tawfik, H Alhoori, CW Keene, C Bailey, M Hogan
Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 1-11, 2017
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Articles 1–20