Iva Bogdanović Radović
Iva Bogdanović Radović
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Assessment of PM2. 5 sources and their corresponding level of uncertainty in a coastal urban area using EPA PMF 5.0 enhanced diagnostics
M Manousakas, H Papaefthymiou, E Diapouli, A Migliori, AG Karydas, ...
Science of the Total Environment 574, 155-164, 2017
Plasma–wall interaction studies within the EUROfusion consortium: progress on plasma-facing components development and qualification
S Brezinsek, JW Coenen, T Schwarz-Selinger, K Schmid, A Kirschner, ...
Nuclear fusion 57 (11), 116041, 2017
New capabilities of the Zagreb ion microbeam system
M Jakšić, IB Radović, M Bogovac, V Desnica, S Fazinić, M Karlušić, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2007
Source apportionment by PMF on elemental concentrations obtained by PIXE analysis of PM10 samples collected at the vicinity of lignite power plants and mines in Megalopolis, Greece
M Manousakas, E Diapouli, H Papaefthymiou, A Migliori, AG Karydas, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2015
Grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering: application to the study of quantum dot lattices
M Buljan, N Radić, S Bernstorff, G Dražić, I Bogdanović-Radović, V Holı
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography 68 (1), 124-138, 2012
Development of a time-of-flight spectrometer at the Ruder Bošković Institute in Zagreb
Z Siketić, IB Radović, M Jakšić
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2008
Data acquisition and scan control system for nuclear microprobe and other multiparameter experiments
M Bogovac, I Bogdanović, S Fazinić, M Jakšić, L Kukec, W Wilhelm
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1994
Development of a reference database for Ion Beam Analysis and future perspectives
D Abriola, NP Barradas, I Bogdanović-Radović, M Chiari, AF Gurbich, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2011
IBIC investigations on CVD diamond
C Manfredotti, F Fizzotti, E Vittone, M Boero, P Polesello, S Galassini, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1995
Ge quantum dot lattices in Al2O3 multilayers
M Buljan, N Radić, M Ivanda, I Bogdanović-Radović, M Karlušić, ...
Journal of nanoparticle research 15, 1-13, 2013
Evolution of the surface plasmon resonance of Au:TiO2 nanocomposite thin films with annealing temperature
J Borges, M Buljan, J Sancho-Parramon, I Bogdanovic-Radovic, Z Siketic, ...
Journal of nanoparticle research 16, 1-14, 2014
Trace element characterization of coal fly ash particles
I Bogdanović, S Fazinić, S Itskos, M Jakšić, E Karydas, V Katselis, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1995
Development of a TOF SIMS setup at the Zagreb heavy ion microbeam facility
T Tadić, IB Radović, Z Siketić, DD Cosic, N Skukan, M Jakšić, J Matsuo
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2014
Quantitative analysis of hydrogen in thin films using Time-of-Flight Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis
Z Siketić, IB Radović, M Jakšić
Thin Solid Films 518 (10), 2617-2622, 2010
Ge/Si core/shell quantum dots in alumina: tuning the optical absorption by the core and shell size
N Nekić, J Sancho-Parramon, I Bogdanović-Radović, J Grenzer, ...
Nanophotonics 6 (5), 1055-1062, 2017
Femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structure on the Ti-based nanolayered thin films
SM Petrović, B Gaković, D Peruško, E Stratakis, I Bogdanović-Radović, ...
Journal of applied physics 114 (23), 2013
Formation of long-range ordered quantum dots arrays in amorphous matrix by ion beam irradiation
M Buljan, I Bogdanović-Radović, M Karlušić, UV Desnica, G Dražić, ...
Applied physics letters 95 (6), 2009
Determination of the 9Be (3He, pi) 11B (i= 0, 1, 2, 3) cross section at 135° in the energy range 1–2.5 MeV
NP Barradas, N Catarino, R Mateus, S Magalhães, E Alves, Z Siketić, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2015
Determination of deposition order of toners, inkjet inks, and blue ballpoint pen combining MeV-secondary ion mass spectrometry and particle induced X-ray emission
KL Moore, M Barac, M Brajković, MJ Bailey, Z Siketić, ...
Analytical chemistry 91 (20), 12997-13005, 2019
Time of flight elastic recoil detection analysis with a position sensitive detector
Z Siketić, IB Radović, M Jakšić, N Skukan
Review of scientific instruments 81 (3), 2010
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Articles 1–20