Huifang Zuo
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Cited by
Finding time for computer science in the elementary school day: a quasiexperimental study of a transdisciplinary problem-based learning approach
J Century*, KA Ferris, H Zuo
International Journal of STEM Education 7 (20), 1-16, 2020
A Mixed-Methods Approach to Understanding PBL Experiences in Inclusive STEM High Schools.
E Noble, KA Ferris, M LaForce, H Zuo
European Journal of STEM Education 5 (1), 2, 2020
A national study of undergraduate research experiences in computing: Implications for culturally relevant pedagogy
AS Rorrer, J Allen, H Zuo
Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science …, 2018
The assessment of mangrove biomass and carbon in West Africa: a spatially explicit analytical framework
W Tang, W Feng, M Jia, J Shi, H Zuo, CC Trettin
Wetlands Ecology and Management 24, 153-171, 2016
The effects of integrating service learning into computer science: An inter-institutional longitudinal study
J Payton, T Barnes, K Buch, A Rorrer, H Zuo
Computer Science Education 25 (3), 311-324, 2015
Revisiting Race and Gender Differences in STEM: Can Inclusive STEM High Schools Reduce Gaps?.
M LaForce, H Zuo, K Ferris, E Noble
European Journal of STEM Education 4 (1), 1-15, 2019
Understanding sources of self-efficacy of Chinese students learning English in an American institution
H Zuo, C Wang
Multicultural Learning and Teaching 11 (1), 83-112, 2016
Understanding Chinese international students’ difficulties and strategies in learning English for academic purposes
C Wang, H Zuo
Learner’s privilege and responsibility, 67-82, 2014
A cyber-enabled spatial decision support system to inventory Mangroves in Mozambique: coupling scientific workflows and cloud computing
W Tang, W Feng, M Jia, J Shi, H Zuo, CE Stringer, CC Trettin
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (5), 907-938, 2017
Stars computing corps: Enhancing engagement of underrepresented students and building community in computing
J Payton, T Barnes, K Buch, A Rorrer, H Zuo, K Gosha, K Nagel, N Napier, ...
Computing in Science & Engineering 18 (3), 44-57, 2016
Reducing Racial and Gender Gaps in Mathematics Attitudes: Investigating the Use of Instructional Strategies in Inclusive STEM High Schools
H Zuo, KA Ferris, M LaForce
Journal for STEM Education Research, 1-22, 2019
Parallel computing for geocomputational modeling
W Tang, W Feng, J Deng, M Jia, H Zuo
GeoComputational analysis and modeling of regional systems, 37-54, 2018
Challenges and opportunities in evaluating broadening participation in computing: The STARS evaluation cohort model
AS Rorrer, T Barnes, J Payton, H Zuo
2019 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering …, 2019
Finding time for computer science in the elementary day
J Century, K Ferris, H Zuo
STARS computing corps: Enhancing engagement of women and underrepresented students in computing
J Payton, T Barnes, K Buch, A Rorrer, H Zuo
2015 Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering …, 2015
Promoting computing faculty success through interinstitutional Faculty Learning Communities
J Payton, T Barnes, K Buch, A Rorrer, H Zuo, B Naolu
2016 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering …, 2016
Assessment of biomass and carbon of mangroves in West Africa
W Tang, W Feng, M Jia, H Zuo, CC Trettin
Center for Forested Wetlands Research US Forest Service, 2014
Examining equity in an elementary school computer science intervention using component-based research
K Ferris, J Century, H Zuo
International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools 5 (1), 16-34, 2021
Challenges and opportunities in evaluating Broadening participation in computing: The STARS evaluation cohort model.
T Rorrer, A., Zuo, H., Payton, J., & Barnes
Proceedings of IEEE Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in …, 2019
J Payton, T Barnes, F Stukes, N Washington, S Dunton, ECEPE Alliance, ...
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Articles 1–20