Pablo Poggi
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Cited by
Robust Mølmer-Sørensen gate for neutral atoms using rapid adiabatic Rydberg dressing
A Mitra, MJ Martin, GW Biedermann, AM Marino, PM Poggi, IH Deutsch
Physical Review A 101, 030301(R), 2020
Quantum speed limit and optimal evolution time in a two-level system
PM Poggi, FC Lombardo, DA Wisniacki
Europhysics Letters 104 (4), 40005, 2013
Quantum control landscape for a two-level system near the quantum speed limit
M Larocca, PM Poggi, DA Wisniacki
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51 (38), 385305, 2018
Simulating nonlinear dynamics of collective spins via quantum measurement and feedback
MH Muñoz-Arias, PM Poggi, PS Jessen, IH Deutsch
Physical review letters 124 (11), 110503, 2020
Information backflow as a resource for entanglement
N Mirkin, P Poggi, D Wisniacki
Physical Review A 99 (6), 062327, 2019
Quantifying the sensitivity to errors in analog quantum simulation
PM Poggi, NK Lysne, KW Kuper, IH Deutsch, PS Jessen
PRX Quantum 1 (2), 020308, 2020
Geometric quantum speed limits and short-time accessibility to unitary operations
PM Poggi
Physical Review A 99 (4), 042116, 2019
Small, Highly Accurate Quantum Processor for Intermediate-Depth Quantum Simulations
NK Lysne, KW Kuper, PM Poggi, IH Deutsch, PS Jessen
Physical Review Letters 124 (23), 230501, 2020
Trotter errors from dynamical structural instabilities of Floquet maps in quantum simulation
K Chinni, MH Muñoz-Arias, IH Deutsch, PM Poggi
PRX Quantum 3 (1), 010351, 2022
Entangling protocols due to non-Markovian dynamics
N Mirkin, P Poggi, D Wisniacki
Physical Review A 99 (2), 020301, 2019
Driving-induced amplification of non-Markovianity in open quantum systems evolution
PM Poggi, FC Lombardo, DA Wisniacki
Europhysics Letters 118 (2), 20005, 2017
Diverging quantum speed limits: a herald of classicality
PM Poggi, S Campbell, S Deffner
PRX Quantum 2 (4), 040349, 2021
Scrambling and quantum chaos indicators from long-time properties of operator distributions
S Omanakuttan, K Chinni, PD Blocher, PM Poggi
Physical Review A 107 (3), 032418, 2023
Floquet time crystals in driven spin systems with all-to-all -body interactions
MH Muñoz-Arias, K Chinni, PM Poggi
Physical Review Research 4 (2), 023018, 2022
Nonlinear dynamics and quantum chaos of a family of kicked -spin models
MH Muñoz-Arias, PM Poggi, IH Deutsch
Physical Review E 103 (5), 052212, 2021
Phase-Space Geometry and Optimal State Preparation in Quantum Metrology with Collective Spins
MH Muñoz-Arias, IH Deutsch, PM Poggi
PRX Quantum 4 (2), 020314, 2023
Simulation of complex dynamics of mean-field -spin models using measurement-based quantum feedback control
MH Muñoz-Arias, IH Deutsch, PS Jessen, PM Poggi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.11412, 2020
Universally robust quantum control
PM Poggi, G De Chiara, S Campbell, A Kiely
Physical Review Letters 132 (19), 193801, 2024
Effect of chaos on the simulation of quantum critical phenomena in analog quantum simulators
K Chinni, PM Poggi, IH Deutsch
Physical Review Research 3 (3), 033145, 2021
Controlling open quantum systems using fast transitions
PM Poggi, FC Lombardo, DA Wisniacki
Physical Review A 87 (2), 022315, 2013
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Articles 1–20