John Thomlinson
John Thomlinson
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Measuring net primary production in forests: concepts and field methods
DA Clark, S Brown, DW Kicklighter, JQ Chambers, JR Thomlinson, J Ni
Ecological applications 11 (2), 356-370, 2001
Net primary production in tropical forests: an evaluation and synthesis of existing field data
DA Clark, S Brown, DW Kicklighter, JQ Chambers, JR Thomlinson, J Ni, ...
Ecological applications 11 (2), 371-384, 2001
Coordinating methodologies for scaling landcover classifications from site-specific to global: Steps toward validating global map products
JR Thomlinson, PV Bolstad, WB Cohen
Remote Sensing of Environment 70 (1), 16-28, 1999
The ecological consequences of socioeconomic and land-use changes in postagriculture Puerto Rico
HR Grau, TM Aide, JK Zimmerman, JR Thomlinson, E Helmer, X Zou
BioScience 53 (12), 1159-1168, 2003
Urban expansion and the loss of prime agricultural lands in Puerto Rico
T del Mar López, TM Aide, JR Thomlinson
Ambio: a Journal of the Human environment 30 (1), 49-54, 2001
Land-use dynamics in a post-agricultural Puerto Rican landscape (1936-1988)
JR Thomlinson, MI Serrano, TM Lopez, TM Aide, JK Zimmerman
Biotropica, 525-536, 1996
Landscape and patch-level factors influence bird communities in an urbanized tropical island
M Suarez-Rubio, JR Thomlinson
Biological Conservation 142 (7), 1311-1321, 2009
Suburban growth in Luquillo, Puerto Rico: some consequences of development on natural and semi-natural systems
JR Thomlinson, LY Rivera
Landscape and Urban Planning 49 (1-2), 15-23, 2000
Puerto Rican karst-a vital resource
AE Lugo, LM Castro, A Vale, TM López, E Hernández Prieto, ...
Predicting landslide vegetation in patches on landscape gradients in Puerto Rico
RW Myster, JR Thomlinson, MC Larsen
Landscape ecology 12 (5), 299-307, 1997
Land use history, hurricane disturbance, and the fate of introduced species in a subtropical wet forest in Puerto Rico
J Thompson, AE Lugo, J Thomlinson
Plant Ecology 192, 289-301, 2007
Metacommunity structure of tropical forest along an elevation gradient in Puerto Rico
JA Barone, J Thomlinson, PA Cordero, JK Zimmerman
Journal of Tropical Ecology 24 (5), 525-534, 2008
Trends and scenarios of the carbon budget in postagricultural Puerto Rico (1936–2060)
H Ricardo Grau, T Mitchell Aide, JK Zimmerman, JR Thomlinson
Global Change Biology 10 (7), 1163-1179, 2004
Relationships between spatial configuration of tropical forest patches and woody plant diversity in northeastern Puerto Rico
IT Galanes, JR Thomlinson
Forest Ecology: Recent Advances in Plant Ecology, 101-113, 2009
Landscape characteristics associated with active and abandoned red-cockaded woodpecker clusters in east Texas
JR Thomlinson
The Wilson Bulletin, 603-614, 1995
An examination of groundwater pollution potential through GIS modeling
SF Atkinson, JR Thomlinson
Soil millipede diversity in tropical forest patches and its relation to landscape structure in northeastern Puerto Rico
IT Galanes, JR Thomlinson
Biodiversity and Conservation 20, 2967-2980, 2011
Changes in landuse/landcover affect distribution and habitat of the land crab, Cardisoma guanhumi (Gecarcinidae, Decapoda) in two estuaries in Puerto Rico
Y Govender, JR Thomlinson
Caribbean Journal of Science 46 (2–3), 258-266, 2010
Predicting status change in red-cockaded woodpecker cavity-tree clusters
JR Thomlinson
The Journal of wildlife management, 350-354, 1996
Landscape characteristics of Puerto Rican Vireo (Vireo latimeri) nesting habitat, with source-sink implications
AG Tossas, JR Thomlinson
Ornitologıa Neotropical 18, 233-242, 2007
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