Laurens Katgerman
Laurens Katgerman
Professor Emeritus, Delft University
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Cited by
Mechanical properties in the semi-solid state and hot tearing of aluminium alloys
DG Eskin, L Katgerman
Progress in materials science 49 (5), 629-711, 2004
Macrosegregation in direct-chill casting of aluminium alloys
R Nadella, DG Eskin, Q Du, L Katgerman
Progress in Materials Science 53 (3), 421-480, 2008
A quest for a new hot tearing criterion
DG Eskin, L Katgerman
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 38, 1511-1519, 2007
In situ observations of dendritic fragmentation due to local solute-enrichment during directional solidification of an aluminum alloy
D Ruvalcaba, RH Mathiesen, DG Eskin, L Arnberg, L Katgerman
Acta Materialia 55 (13), 4287-4292, 2007
The effect of heat treatment on the structure and abrasive wear resistance of autocatalytic NiP and NiP–SiC coatings
I Apachitei, FD Tichelaar, J Duszczyk, L Katgerman
Surface and Coatings Technology 149 (2-3), 263-278, 2002
Criteria of grain refinement induced by ultrasonic melt treatment of aluminum alloys containing Zr and Ti
TV Atamanenko, DG Eskin, L Zhang, L Katgerman
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 41, 2056-2066, 2010
Modelling of droplet dynamic and thermal histories during spray forming—I. Individual droplet behaviour
PS Grant, B Cantor, L Katgerman
Acta Metallurgica et Materialia 41 (11), 3097-3108, 1993
Constitutive analysis of wrought magnesium alloy Mg–Al4–Zn1
FA Slooff, J Zhou, J Duszczyk, L Katgerman
Scripta Materialia 57 (8), 759-762, 2007
Electroless Ni–P composite coatings: the effect of heat treatment on the microhardness of substrate and coating
I Apachitei, J Duszczyk, L Katgerman, PJB Overkamp
Scripta Materialia 38 (9), 1347-1353, 1998
Characterization of Al-Si-alloys rapidly quenched from the melt
A Bendijk, R Delhez, L Katgerman, TH De Keijser, EJ Mittemeijer, ...
journal of Materials Science 15, 2803-2810, 1980
Influence of substrate microstructure on the growth of anodic oxide layers
LE Fratila-Apachitei, H Terryn, P Skeldon, GE Thompson, J Duszczyk, ...
Electrochimica Acta 49 (7), 1127-1140, 2004
Experimental study of structure formation in binary Al–Cu alloys at different cooling rates
D Eskin, Q Du, D Ruvalcaba, L Katgerman
Materials Science and Engineering: A 405 (1-2), 1-10, 2005
Recent advances in hot tearing during casting of aluminium alloys
Y Li, H Li, L Katgerman, Q Du, J Zhang, L Zhuang
Progress in Materials Science 117, 100741, 2021
A transmission electron microscopy study of hard anodic oxide layers on AlSi (Cu) alloys
LE Fratila-Apachitei, FD Tichelaar, GE Thompson, H Terryn, P Skeldon, ...
Electrochimica Acta 49 (19), 3169-3177, 2004
Structure formation and macrosegregation under different process conditions during DC casting
DG Eskin, J Zuidema Jr, VI Savran, L Katgerman
Materials Science and Engineering: A 384 (1-2), 232-244, 2004
Real-time observation of grain nucleation and growth during solidification of aluminium alloys
N Iqbal, NH Van Dijk, SE Offerman, MP Moret, L Katgerman, GJ Kearley
Acta Materialia 53 (10), 2875-2880, 2005
Hot tearing criteria evaluation for direct-chill casting of an Al-4.5 pct Cu alloy
Suyitno, WH Kool, L Katgerman
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 36, 1537-1546, 2005
A mathematical model for hot cracking of aluminum alloys during DC casting
L Katgerman
Jom 34 (2), 46-49, 1982
Ductility and rheology of an Al-4.5% Cu alloy from room temperature to coherency temperature
B Magnin, L Maenner, L Katgerman, S Engler
Materials Science Forum 217, 1209-1214, 1996
Structure observations related to hot tearing of Al-Cu billets produced by direct-chill casting
LK Suyitno, DG Eskin
Materials Science and Engineering A 420, 1-7, 2006
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Articles 1–20