Markus Egermann
Markus Egermann
Researcher at IOER
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Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there
I Fazey, N Schäpke, G Caniglia, A Hodgson, I Kendrick, C Lyon, G Page, ...
Energy research & social science 70, 101724, 2020
Urban sustainability transitions in a context of multi-level governance: A comparison of four European states
F Ehnert, F Kern, S Borgström, L Gorissen, S Maschmeyer, M Egermann
Environmental innovation and societal transitions 26, 101-116, 2018
Elucidating the changing roles of civil society in urban sustainability transitions
N Frantzeskaki, A Dumitru, I Anguelovski, F Avelino, M Bach, B Best, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 22, 41-50, 2016
The acceleration of urban sustainability transitions: A comparison of Brighton, Budapest, Dresden, Genk, and Stockholm
F Ehnert, N Frantzeskaki, J Barnes, S Borgström, L Gorissen, F Kern, ...
Sustainability 10 (3), 612, 2018
Nature-based solutions accelerating urban sustainability transitions in cities: Lessons from Dresden, Genk and Stockholm cities
N Frantzeskaki, S Borgström, L Gorissen, M Egermann, F Ehnert
Nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation in urban areas: Linkages …, 2017
From niche to mainstream: the dilemmas of scaling up sustainable alternatives
K Augenstein, B Bachmann, M Egermann, V Hermelingmeier, A Hilger, ...
GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 29 (3), 143-147, 2020
Advancing urban transitions and transformations research
J Torrens, L Westman, M Wolfram, VC Broto, J Barnes, M Egermann, ...
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 41, 102-105, 2021
The role of niche and regime intermediaries in building partnerships for urban transitions towards sustainability
F Ehnert, M Egermann, A Betsch
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 24 (2), 137-159, 2022
Beyond urban ecomodernism: How can degrowth-aligned spatial practices enhance urban sustainability transformations
A De Castro Mazarro, R George Kaliaden, W Wende, M Egermann
Urban Studies 60 (7), 1304-1315, 2023
The Saxon Triangle–a polycentric metropolitan region from an actor-oriented perspective
M Egermann
Urban Research & Practice 2 (3), 269-286, 2009
Land-use implications of energy transition pathways towards decarbonisation–Comparing the footprints of Vietnam, New Zealand and Finland
TH Tran, M Egermann
Energy Policy 166, 112951, 2022
Towards transformation-oriented planning: what can sustainable urban mobility planning (SUMP) learn from transition management (TM)?
R Hartl, P Harms, M Egermann
Transport Reviews 44 (1), 167-190, 2024
Elucidating the capabilities of international mechanisms to foster procedural just system change–The case of the 2021 UN Food System Summit
M Tanzer, A Gläsel, M Egermann
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 45, 72-82, 2022
Metropolregionen–Chancen der Raumentwicklung durch Polyzentralität und regionale Kooperation
J Knieling, S Rahlf, K Hanebeck, T Wiechmann, M Egermann, P Franz, ...
Werkstatt: Praxis, 2007
Perspektiven für die Annäherung der Raum-und Transitionforschung–am Beispiel des EU-Projekts ARTS
M Egermann, G Hutter
PND| online 3, 1-9, 2014
Kommunale Akteure zwischen Wettbewerb und Kooperation: zum kollektiven Handeln kommunaler Akteure im Rahmen regionaler Kooperationen am Beispiel der Metropolregion …
M Egermann
Rhombos-Verlag, 2015
Umweltpolitische Unterstützungs-und Förderstrategien zur Stärkung sozial-ökologischer Formen von Zusammenleben und Gemeinwohlorientierung
J Rückert-John, B Peuker, M Egermann, A Betsch, JCP Giese, K Kohl, ...
Umweltbundesamt, 2021
Handlungsansätze für die Förderung und Unterstützung innovativer gemeinwohlorientierter Initiativen
J Rückert-John, B Peuker, M Egermann, A Betsch, A Renner, K Kohl, ...
Umweltbundesamt, Fachgebiet I 1.1 Grundsatzfragen, Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien …, 2021
Neue Partnerschaften in der nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung?
F Ehnert, M Egermann, C Höcke
Potenziale von Transition-Town-Initiativen. Abschlussbericht 23, 2021
Kommunale Akteure zwischen Wettbewerb und Kooperation
M Egermann
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Artículos 1–20