Michael Glueck
Michael Glueck
Reality Labs Research at Meta
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Dream lens: Exploration and visualization of large-scale generative design datasets
J Matejka, M Glueck, E Bradner, A Hashemi, T Grossman, G Fitzmaurice
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
The effect of visual appearance on the performance of continuous sliders and visual analogue scales
J Matejka, M Glueck, T Grossman, G Fitzmaurice
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2016
Multiscale 3D navigation
J McCrae, I Mordatch, M Glueck, A Khan
Proceedings of the 2009 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games, 7-14, 2009
A natural history study of X-linked myotubular myopathy
K Amburgey, E Tsuchiya, S de Chastonay, M Glueck, R Alverez, ...
Neurology 89 (13), 1355-1364, 2017
Supporting handoff in asynchronous collaborative sensemaking using knowledge-transfer graphs
J Zhao, M Glueck, P Isenberg, F Chevalier, A Khan
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 24 (1), 340-350, 2017
Benefits of visualization in the mammography problem
A Khan, S Breslav, M Glueck, K Hornbæk
International journal of human-computer studies 83, 94-113, 2015
Egocentric analysis of dynamic networks with egolines
J Zhao, M Glueck, F Chevalier, Y Wu, A Khan
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2016
Bim based 3-d visualization
A Khan, M Glueck, A Tessier, R Attar
US Patent App. 13/083,430, 2012
A survey of modeling and simulation of skeletal muscle
D Lee, M Glueck, A Khan, E Fiume, K Jackson
ACM Transactions on Graphics 28 (4), 1-13, 2010
Annotation graphs: A graph-based visualization for meta-analysis of data based on user-authored annotations
J Zhao, M Glueck, S Breslav, F Chevalier, A Khan
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 23 (1), 261-270, 2016
Modeling and simulation of skeletal muscle for computer graphics: A survey
D Lee, M Glueck, A Khan, E Fiume, K Jackson
Foundations and Trends® in Computer Graphics and Vision 7 (4), 229-276, 2012
Multiscale three-dimensional navigation
J Mccrae, I Mordatch, M Glueck, A Khan
US Patent 8,665,259, 2014
Iteratively designing gesture vocabularies: A survey and analysis of best practices in the HCI literature
H Xia, M Glueck, M Annett, M Wang, D Wigdor
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 29 (4), 1-54, 2022
PhenoBlocks: Phenotype comparison visualizations
M Glueck, P Hamilton, F Chevalier, S Breslav, A Khan, D Wigdor, ...
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 22 (1), 101-110, 2015
Systems and methods for displaying a unified representation of performance related data
A Khan, E Hailemariam, M Glueck, R Attar, A Tessier
US Patent 8,884,961, 2014
210 King Street: a dataset for integrated performance assessment
R Attar, V Prabhu, M Glueck, A Khan
Proceedings of the 2010 Spring Simulation Multiconference, 1-4, 2010
Physics-based generative design
R Attar, R Aish, J Stam, D Brinsmead, A Tessier, M Glueck, A Khan
CAAD futures conference, 231-244, 2009
PhenoLines: Phenotype comparison visualizations for disease subtyping via topic models
M Glueck, MP Naeini, F Doshi-Velez, F Chevalier, A Khan, D Wigdor, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 24 (1), 371-381, 2017
Dive in! Enabling progressive loading for real-time navigation of data visualizations
M Glueck, A Khan, DJ Wigdor
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2014
Armstrong: An empirical examination of pointing at non-dominant arm-anchored uis in virtual reality
Z Li, J Chan, J Walton, H Benko, D Wigdor, M Glueck
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
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Articles 1–20