Maria Kavanaugh
Maria Kavanaugh
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Volcanic ash fuels anomalous plankton bloom in subarctic northeast Pacific
RC Hamme, PW Webley, WR Crawford, FA Whitney, MD DeGrandpre, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (19), L19604, 2010
Satellite sensor requirements for monitoring essential biodiversity variables of coastal ecosystems
FE Muller‐Karger, E Hestir, C Ade, K Turpie, DA Roberts, D Siegel, ...
Ecological applications 28 (3), 749-760, 2018
A new 30 meter resolution global shoreline vector and associated global islands database for the development of standardized ecological coastal units
R Sayre, S Noble, S Hamann, R Smith, D Wright, S Breyer, K Butler, ...
Journal of Operational Oceanography 12 (sup2), S47-S56, 2019
A three-dimensional mapping of the ocean based on environmental data
RG Sayre, DJ Wright, SP Breyer, KA Butler, K Van Graafeiland, ...
Oceanography 30 (1), 90-103, 2017
Seascapes as a new vernacular for pelagic ocean monitoring, management and conservation
MT Kavanaugh, MJ Oliver, FP Chavez, RM Letelier, FE Muller-Karger, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (7), 1839-1850, 2016
Fifteen degrees of separation: Latitudinal gradients of rocky intertidal biota along the California Current
GC Schoch, BA Menge, G Allison, M Kavanaugh, SA Thompson, ...
Limnology and Oceanography, 2564-2585, 2006
Thirty‐Three Years of Ocean Benthic Warming Along the US Northeast Continental Shelf and Slope: Patterns, Drivers, and Ecological Consequences
MT Kavanaugh, JE Rheuban, K Luis, SC Doney
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2017
Effect of continental shelf canyons on phytoplankton biomass and community composition along the western Antarctic Peninsula
MT Kavanaugh, FN Abdala, H Ducklow, D Glover, W Fraser, D Martinson, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 524, 11-26, 2015
Experimental assessment of the effects of shade on an intertidal kelp: do phytoplankton blooms inhibit growth of open coast macroalgae?
MT Kavanaugh, KJ Nielsen, FT Chan, BA Menge, RM Letelier, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 54 (1), 276-288, 2009
Hierarchical and dynamic seascapes: A quantitative framework for scaling pelagic biogeochemistry and ecology
MT Kavanaugh, B Hales, M Saraceno, YH Spitz, AE White, RM Letelier
Progress in Oceanography 120, 291-304, 2014
Capturing coastal water clarity variability with Landsat 8
KMA Luis, JE Rheuban, MT Kavanaugh, DM Glover, J Wei, Z Lee, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 145, 96-104, 2019
A framework for a marine biodiversity observing network within changing continental shelf seascapes
FE Muller-Karger, MT Kavanaugh, E Montes, WM Balch, M Breitbart, ...
Oceanography 27 (2), 18-23, 2014
Spatial and spectral resolution considerations for imaging coastal waters
CO Davis, M Kavanaugh, R Letelier, WP Bissett, D Kohler
Coastal Ocean remote sensing 6680, 196-207, 2007
Human impacts on connectivity in marine and freshwater ecosystems assessed using graph theory: a review
MI Saunders, CJ Brown, MM Foley, CM Febria, R Albright, MG Mehling, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 67 (3), 277-290, 2015
Observational needs supporting marine ecosystems modeling and forecasting: from the global ocean to regional and coastal systems
A Capotondi, M Jacox, C Bowler, M Kavanaugh, P Lehodey, D Barrie, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 623, 2019
Implications of Future Northwest Atlantic Bottom Temperatures on the American Lobster (Homarus americanus) Fishery
JE Rheuban, MT Kavanaugh, SC Doney
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (12), 9387-9398, 2017
High‐resolution estimates of net community production and air‐sea CO2 flux in the northeast Pacific
D Lockwood, PD Quay, MT Kavanaugh, LW Juranek, RA Feely
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26 (4), 2012
Enhanced monitoring of life in the sea is a critical component of conservation management and sustainable economic growth
M Estes Jr, C Anderson, W Appeltans, N Bax, N Bednaršek, G Canonico, ...
Marine Policy 132, 104699, 2021
Variability in the mechanisms controlling Southern Ocean phytoplankton bloom phenology in an ocean model and satellite observations
T Rohr, MC Long, MT Kavanaugh, K Lindsay, SC Doney
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31 (5), 922-940, 2017
ALOHA From the Edge: Reconciling Three Decades of in Situ Eulerian Observations and Geographic Variability in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
MT Kavanaugh, MJ Church, CO Davis, DM Karl, RM Letelier, SC Doney
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 130, 2018
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Articles 1–20