Juan Mateos Guilarte
Juan Mateos Guilarte
Catedrático de Física Teórica (Universidad de Salamanca)
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Kink variety in systems of two coupled scalar fields in two space-time dimensions
AA Izquierdo, MAG Leon, JM Guilarte
Physical Review D 65 (8), 085012, 2002
Deformed defects for scalar fields with polynomial interactions
D Bazeia, MAG Leon, L Losano, JM Guilarte
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 73 (10), 105008, 2006
Quantum vacuum energies and Casimir forces <?format ?>between partially transparent -function plates
JMM Castaneda, JM Guilarte, AM Mosquera
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (10), 105020, 2013
Kinks in a nonlinear massive sigma model
A Alonso-Izquierdo, MA González León, J Mateos Guilarte
Physical review letters 101 (13), 131602, 2008
Generalized zeta functions and one-loop corrections to quantum kink masses
AA Izquierdo, WG Fuertes, MAG Leon, JM Guilarte
Nuclear Physics B 635 (3), 525-557, 2002
generalized Robin boundary conditions and quantum vacuum fluctuations
JM Muñoz-Castañeda, J Mateos Guilarte
Physical Review D 91 (2), 025028, 2015
Effect of scalings and translations on the supersymmetric<? format?> quantum mechanical structure of soliton systems
A Arancibia, JM Guilarte, MS Plyushchay
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (4), 045009, 2013
Phases of dual superconductivity and confinement in softly broken N= 2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories
JD Edelstein, WG Fuertes, J Mas, JM Guilarte
Physical Review D 62 (6), 065008, 2000
Two-point one-dimensional δ-interactions: non-abelian addition law and decoupling limit
M Gadella, J Mateos-Guilarte, JM Muñoz-Castañeda, LM Nieto
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (1), 015204, 2015
One-loop corrections to classical masses of kink families
AA Izquierdo, WG Fuertes, MAG Leon, JM Guilarte
Nuclear Physics B 681 (1-2), 163-194, 2004
Double-Delta Potentials: One Dimensional Scattering: The Casimir Effect and Kink Fluctuations
JM Guilarte, JM Munoz-Castaneda
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 50, 2227-2241, 2011
Orbit-based deformation procedure for two-field models
VI Afonso, D Bazeia, MAG Leon, L Losano, JM Guilarte
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 76 (2), 025010, 2007
Kinks from dynamical systems: domain walls in a deformed O (N) linear sigma model
AA Izquierdo, MAG Leon, JM Guilarte
Nonlinearity 13 (4), 1137, 2000
Semi-classical mass of quantum k-component topological kinks
AA Izquierdo, WG Fuertes, MAG Leon, JM Guilarte
Nuclear Physics B 638 (3), 378-404, 2002
N= 2 supersymmetric kinks and real algebraic curves
AA Izquierdo, MAG Leon, JM Guilarte
Physics Letters B 480 (3-4), 373-380, 2000
Kink manifolds in (1+ 1)-dimensional scalar field theory
AA Izquierdo, MAG Leon, JM Guilarte
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 31 (1), 209, 1998
Homotopy and solitons. 1
LJ Boya, JF Carinena, J Mateos
Fortschritte der Physik 26 (3), 175-214, 1978
Perfectly invisible -symmetric zero-gap systems, conformal field theoretical kinks, and exotic nonlinear supersymmetry
JM Guilarte, MS Plyushchay
Journal of High Energy Physics 2017 (12), 1-36, 2017
Adiabatic motion of two-component BPS kinks
AA Izquierdo, MAG Leon, JM Guilarte, M de la Torre Mayado
Physical Review D 66 (10), 105022, 2002
Stability of kink defects in a deformed O (3) linear sigma model
AA Izquierdo, MAG Leon, JM Guilarte
Nonlinearity 15 (4), 1097, 2002
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Articles 1–20