Osvaldo Agamennoni
Osvaldo Agamennoni
Profesor Emérito de la Universidad Nacional de Sur
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High-level canonical piecewise linear representation using a simplicial partition
P Julian, A Desages, O Agamennoni
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 1999
A nonlinear model predictive control system based on Wiener piecewise linear models
AL Cervantes, OE Agamennoni, JL Figueroa
Journal of process control 13 (7), 655-666, 2003
Identification of dynamical systems with a robust interval fuzzy model
I Škrjanc, S Blažič, O Agamennoni
Automatica 41 (2), 327-332, 2005
Interval Fuzzy Model Identification Using-Norm
I Skrjanc, S Blazic, O Agamennoni
IEEE Transactions on fuzzy systems 13 (5), 561-568, 2005
Eye movement alterations during reading in patients with early Alzheimer disease
G Fernández, P Mandolesi, NP Rotstein, O Colombo, O Agamennoni, ...
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 54 (13), 8345-8352, 2013
Approximate models for nonlinear process control
G Sentoni, O Agamennoni, A Desages, J Romagnoli
AIChE Journal 42 (8), 2240-2250, 1996
Registering eye movements during reading in Alzheimer’s disease: difficulties in predicting upcoming words
G Fernández, J Laubrock, P Mandolesi, O Colombo, O Agamennoni
Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology 36 (3), 302-316, 2014
Interval fuzzy modeling applied to Wiener models with uncertainties
I Skrjanc, S Blazic, OE Agamennoni
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 35 …, 2005
Diagnosis of mild Alzheimer disease through the analysis of eye movements during reading
G Fernández, LR Castro, M Schumacher, OE Agamennoni
Journal of integrative neuroscience 14 (01), 121-133, 2015
An approach for identification of uncertain Wiener systems
JL Figueroa, SI Biagiola, OE Agamennoni
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 48 (1-2), 305-315, 2008
Patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease fail when using their working memory: evidence from the eye tracking technique
G Fernández, F Manes, LE Politi, D Orozco, M Schumacher, L Castro, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 50 (3), 827-838, 2016
Patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease produced shorter outgoing saccades when reading sentences
G Fernández, M Schumacher, L Castro, D Orozco, O Agamennoni
Psychiatry research 229 (1-2), 470-478, 2015
Lack of contextual-word predictability during reading in patients with mild Alzheimer disease
G Fernández, F Manes, NP Rotstein, O Colombo, P Mandolesi, LE Politi, ...
Neuropsychologia 62, 143-151, 2014
Visual processing during short-term memory binding in mild Alzheimer’s disease
G Fernández, D Orozco, O Agamennoni, M Schumacher, S Sañudo, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 63 (1), 185-194, 2018
Eye-Movement behavior identification for AD diagnosis
J Biondi, G Fernandez, S Castro, O Agamennoni
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.00837, 2017
Improved dynamic window approach by using Lyapunov stability criteria
H Berti, AD Sappa, OE Agamennoni
Latin American applied research 38 (4), 289-298, 2008
H control of a Wiener-type system
SI Biagiola, OE Agamennoni §, JL Figueroa
International Journal of Control 77 (6), 572-583, 2004
Heuristic rule for truck dispatching in open-pit mines with local information-based decisions
A Arelovich, F Masson, O Agamennoni, S Worrall, E Nebot
13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2010
Improved neural network based CFAR detection for non homogeneous background and multiple target situations
NB Gálvez, JE Cousseau, JL Pasciaroni, OE Agamennoni
Latin American applied research 42 (4), 343-350, 2012
Robust controller design methodology for multivariable chemical processes
OE Agamennoni, AC Desages, JA Romagnoli
Chemical engineering science 43 (11), 2937-2950, 1988
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Articles 1–20