High-level canonical piecewise linear representation using a simplicial partition P Julian, A Desages, O Agamennoni IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 1999 | 292 | 1999 |
A nonlinear model predictive control system based on Wiener piecewise linear models AL Cervantes, OE Agamennoni, JL Figueroa Journal of process control 13 (7), 655-666, 2003 | 183 | 2003 |
Identification of dynamical systems with a robust interval fuzzy model I Škrjanc, S Blažič, O Agamennoni Automatica 41 (2), 327-332, 2005 | 135 | 2005 |
Interval Fuzzy Model Identification Using-Norm I Skrjanc, S Blazic, O Agamennoni IEEE Transactions on fuzzy systems 13 (5), 561-568, 2005 | 68 | 2005 |
Eye movement alterations during reading in patients with early Alzheimer disease G Fernández, P Mandolesi, NP Rotstein, O Colombo, O Agamennoni, ... Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 54 (13), 8345-8352, 2013 | 65 | 2013 |
Approximate models for nonlinear process control G Sentoni, O Agamennoni, A Desages, J Romagnoli AIChE Journal 42 (8), 2240-2250, 1996 | 62 | 1996 |
Registering eye movements during reading in Alzheimer’s disease: difficulties in predicting upcoming words G Fernández, J Laubrock, P Mandolesi, O Colombo, O Agamennoni Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology 36 (3), 302-316, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
Interval fuzzy modeling applied to Wiener models with uncertainties I Skrjanc, S Blazic, OE Agamennoni IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 35 …, 2005 | 48 | 2005 |
Diagnosis of mild Alzheimer disease through the analysis of eye movements during reading G Fernández, LR Castro, M Schumacher, OE Agamennoni Journal of integrative neuroscience 14 (01), 121-133, 2015 | 46 | 2015 |
An approach for identification of uncertain Wiener systems JL Figueroa, SI Biagiola, OE Agamennoni Mathematical and Computer Modelling 48 (1-2), 305-315, 2008 | 42 | 2008 |
Patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease fail when using their working memory: evidence from the eye tracking technique G Fernández, F Manes, LE Politi, D Orozco, M Schumacher, L Castro, ... Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 50 (3), 827-838, 2016 | 41 | 2016 |
Patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease produced shorter outgoing saccades when reading sentences G Fernández, M Schumacher, L Castro, D Orozco, O Agamennoni Psychiatry research 229 (1-2), 470-478, 2015 | 34 | 2015 |
Lack of contextual-word predictability during reading in patients with mild Alzheimer disease G Fernández, F Manes, NP Rotstein, O Colombo, P Mandolesi, LE Politi, ... Neuropsychologia 62, 143-151, 2014 | 33 | 2014 |
Visual processing during short-term memory binding in mild Alzheimer’s disease G Fernández, D Orozco, O Agamennoni, M Schumacher, S Sañudo, ... Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 63 (1), 185-194, 2018 | 32 | 2018 |
Eye-Movement behavior identification for AD diagnosis J Biondi, G Fernandez, S Castro, O Agamennoni arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.00837, 2017 | 29 | 2017 |
Improved dynamic window approach by using Lyapunov stability criteria H Berti, AD Sappa, OE Agamennoni Latin American applied research 38 (4), 289-298, 2008 | 28 | 2008 |
H ∞ control of a Wiener-type system SI Biagiola, OE Agamennoni §, JL Figueroa International Journal of Control 77 (6), 572-583, 2004 | 25 | 2004 |
Heuristic rule for truck dispatching in open-pit mines with local information-based decisions A Arelovich, F Masson, O Agamennoni, S Worrall, E Nebot 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2010 | 24 | 2010 |
Improved neural network based CFAR detection for non homogeneous background and multiple target situations NB Gálvez, JE Cousseau, JL Pasciaroni, OE Agamennoni Latin American applied research 42 (4), 343-350, 2012 | 23 | 2012 |
Robust controller design methodology for multivariable chemical processes OE Agamennoni, AC Desages, JA Romagnoli Chemical engineering science 43 (11), 2937-2950, 1988 | 21 | 1988 |