Maria Luz Gonzalez-Gadea
Maria Luz Gonzalez-Gadea
Center of Cognitive Neuroscience. Universidad de San Andrés. CONICET.
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Cited by
Contextual social cognition impairments in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
S Baez, E Herrera, L Villarin, D Theil, ML Gonzalez-Gadea, P Gomez, ...
PloS one 8 (3), e57664, 2013
The development of children's preferences for equality and equity across 13 individualistic and collectivist cultures
E Huppert, JM Cowell, Y Cheng, C Contreras‐Ibáñez, N Gomez‐Sicard, ...
Developmental science 22 (2), e12729, 2019
Integrating intention and context: assessing social cognition in adults with Asperger syndrome
S Baez, A Rattazzi, ML Gonzalez-Gadea, T Torralva, NS Vigliecca, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 302, 2012
Cognitive variability in adults with ADHD and AS: disentangling the roles of executive functions and social cognition
ML Gonzalez-Gadea, S Baez, T Torralva, FX Castellanos, A Rattazzi, ...
Research in developmental disabilities 34 (2), 817-830, 2013
Predictive coding in autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ML Gonzalez-Gadea, S Chennu, TA Bekinschtein, A Rattazzi, A Beraudi, ...
Journal of Neurophysiology 114 (5), 2625-2636, 2015
The neural basis of decision-making and reward processing in adults with euthymic bipolar disorder or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
A Ibanez, M Cetkovich, A Petroni, H Urquina, S Baez, ...
PloS one 7 (5), e37306, 2012
Theory of mind and its relationship with executive functions and emotion recognition in borderline personality disorder
S Baez, J Marengo, A Perez, D Huepe, FG Font, V Rial, ...
Journal of neuropsychology 9 (2), 203-218, 2015
Emotion recognition and cognitive empathy deficits in adolescent offenders revealed by context-sensitive tasks
ML Gonzalez-Gadea, E Herrera, M Parra, P Gomez Mendez, S Baez, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8, 850, 2014
The development of social comparisons and sharing behavior across 12 countries
A Samek, JM Cowell, AW Cappelen, Y Cheng, C Contreras-Ibáñez, ...
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 192, 104778, 2020
Neural markers of social and monetary rewards in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder
ML Gonzalez-Gadea, M Sigman, A Rattazzi, C Lavin, A Rivera-Rei, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 30588, 2016
Schadenfreude is higher in real-life situations compared to hypothetical scenarios
ML Gonzalez-Gadea, A Ibanez, M Sigman
PloS one 13 (10), e0205595, 2018
The impact of legal expertise on moral decision-making biases
S Baez, M Patiño-Sáenz, J Martínez-Cotrina, DM Aponte, JC Caicedo, ...
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 7 (1), 1-12, 2020
The interplay between sharing behavior and beliefs about others in children during dictator games
H Santamaría-García, ML González-Gadea, R Di Tella, A Ibáñez, ...
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 166, 451-464, 2018
Inter-individual cognitive variability in children with Asperger's syndrome
ML Gonzalez-Gadea, P Tripicchio, A Rattazzi, S Baez, J Marino, M Roca, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8, 575, 2014
Influencia de variables cognitivas en el iowa gambling task
ML González Gadea, JG Ponce, HM Diaz Fajreldines, JC Marino
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Psicología, 2010
Transgression of cooperative helping norms outweighs children’s intergroup bias
ML Gonzalez-Gadea, H Santamaría-García, I Aragón, ...
Cognitive Development 54, 100878, 2020
Different levels of implicit emotional recognition in posterior cortical atrophy (PCA)
ML Gonzalez-Gadea, A Ibanez, J Damm, DA Ramirez Romero, ...
Neurocase 21 (4), 457-464, 2015
Stop saying that it is wrong! Psychophysiological, cognitive, and metacognitive markers of children’s sensitivity to punishment
ML Gonzalez-Gadea, A Scheres, CA Tobon, J Damm, S Baez, D Huepe, ...
PLoS One 10 (7), e0133683, 2015
Decisions and mechanisms of intergroup bias in children's third‐party punishment
ML Gonzalez‐Gadea, A Dominguez, A Petroni
Social Development 31 (4), 1194-1210, 2022
Children’s group biases in third-party punishment are guided by norms-focused behaviors
ML Gonzalez-Gadea, A Dominguez, A Petroni
Preprint at PsyArXiv https://doi. org/10.31234/osf. io/pxyw4, 2020
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Articles 1–20