Arno R. Lodder
Arno R. Lodder
Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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Developing an online dispute resolution environment: Dialogue tools and negotiation support systems in a three-step model
AR Lodder, J Zelznikow
Harv. Negot. L. Rev. 10, 287, 2005
DiaLaw: on legal justification and dialogical models of argumentation
AR Lodder
Springer Science & Business Media, 1999
Enhanced Dispute Resolution Through the Use of Information Technology
AR Lodder
Cambridge University Press, 2010
Hard cases: a procedural approach
JC Hage, R Leenes, AR Lodder
Artificial intelligence and law 2, 113-167, 1993
DiaLaw: On legal justification and dialog games
AR Lodder
DiaLaw: A dialogical framework for modeling legal reasoning
AR Lodder, A Herczog
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on artificial intelligence …, 1995
Artificial intelligence and online dispute resolution
AR Lodder, J Zeleznikow
Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice., 61-82, 2012
The role of artificial intelligence in online dispute resolution
A Lodder, E Thiessen
Workshop on online dispute resolution at the international conference on …, 2003
Integrating artificial intelligence, argumentation and game theory to develop an online dispute resolution environment
E Bellucci, AR Lodder, J Zeleznikow
16th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence …, 2004
Consumer dispute resolution goes online: reflections on the evolution of European law for out-of-court redress
P Cortes, AR Lodder
Maastricht Journal of European and comparative law 21 (1), 14-38, 2014
The Third Party and Beyond. An analysis of the different parties, in particular The Fifth, involved in online dispute resolution
AR Lodder
Information & Communications Technology Law 15 (2), 143-155, 2006
Governmental filtering of websites: The Dutch case
WP Stol, HKW Kaspersen, J Kerstens, ER Leukfeldt, AR Lodder
Computer Law & Security Review 25 (3), 251-262, 2009
eDirectives: Guide to European Union Law on E-Commerce-Commentary on the Directives on Distance Selling, Electronic Signatures, Electronic Commerce, Copyright in the …
AR Lodder, HWK Kaspersen
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002
EU regulation of e-commerce: a commentary
AR Lodder, AD Murray
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022
Logical tools for legal argument: a practical assessment in the domain of tort
B Verheij, J Hage, AR Lodder
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Artificial intelligence …, 1997
Retrieval of case law to provide layman with information about liability: Preliminary results of the best-project
EM Uijttenbroek, AR Lodder, MCA Klein, GR Wildeboer, ...
Computable Models of the Law: Languages, Dialogues, Games, Ontologies, 291-311, 2008
A dialogical model of legal reasoning
JC Hage, GPJ Span, AR Lodder
Legal Knowledge Based Systems: Information Technology and Law, JURIX 92, 1992
Autonomous Space Object and International Space Law: Navigating the Liability Gap
I Bratu, AR Lodder, T Van Der Linden
Indonesian J. Int'l L. 18, 423, 2020
IT support of the judiciary: Australia, Singapore, Venezuela, Norway, the Netherlands and Italy
A Oskamp, AR Lodder, M Apistola
TMC Asser Press/Cambridge University Press, 2004
Ten commandments of Internet law revisited: basic principles for Internet lawyers
AR Lodder
Information & Communications Technology Law 22 (3), 264-276, 2013
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Articles 1–20