Ryan R. Wilson
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A meta‐analytic review of corridor effectiveness
L Gilbert‐Norton, R Wilson, JR Stevens, KH Beard
Conservation biology 24 (3), 660-668, 2010
Rapid environmental change drives increased land use by an Arctic marine predator
TC Atwood, E Peacock, MA McKinney, K Lillie, R Wilson, DC Douglas, ...
PLoS One 11 (6), e0155932, 2016
Increased land use by Chukchi Sea polar bears in relation to changing sea ice conditions
KD Rode, RR Wilson, EV Regehr, M St. Martin, DC Douglas, J Olson
PloS one 10 (11), e0142213, 2015
Integrated population modeling provides the first empirical estimates of vital rates and abundance for polar bears in the Chukchi Sea
EV Regehr, NJ Hostetter, RR Wilson, KD Rode, MS Martin, SJ Converse
Scientific reports 8 (1), 16780, 2018
Increased Arctic sea ice drift alters adult female polar bear movements and energetics
GM Durner, DC Douglas, SE Albeke, JP Whiteman, SC Amstrup, ...
Global change biology 23 (9), 3460-3473, 2017
Effects of roads on individual caribou movements during migration
RR Wilson, LS Parrett, K Joly, JR Dau
Biological Conservation 195, 2-8, 2016
Spring fasting behavior in a marine apex predator provides an index of ecosystem productivity
KD Rode, RR Wilson, DC Douglas, V Muhlenbruch, TC Atwood, ...
Global change biology 24 (1), 410-423, 2018
Polar bear–grizzly bear interactions during the autumn open-water period in Alaska
S Miller, J Wilder, RR Wilson
Journal of Mammalogy 96 (6), 1317-1325, 2015
Potential thermoregulatory advantages of shade use by desert bighorn sheep
JW Cain, BD Jansen, RR Wilson, PR Krausman
Journal of Arid Environments 72 (8), 1518-1525, 2008
Identifying polar bear resource selection patterns to inform offshore development in a dynamic and changing Arctic
RR Wilson, JS Horne, KD Rode, EV Regehr, GM Durner
Ecosphere 5 (10), 1-24, 2014
Beyond use versus availability: behaviour‐explicit resource selection
RR Wilson, L Gilbert‐Norton, EM Gese
Wildlife Biology 18 (4), 424-430, 2012
Harvesting wildlife affected by climate change: a modelling and management approach for polar bears
EV Regehr, RR Wilson, KD Rode, MC Runge, HL Stern
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (5), 1534-1543, 2017
Collar temperature sensor data reveal long-term patterns in southern Beaufort Sea polar bear den distribution on pack ice and land
JW Olson, KD Rode, D Eggett, TS Smith, RR Wilson, GM Durner, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 564, 211-224, 2017
Prey-mediated avoidance of an intraguild predator by its intraguild prey
RR Wilson, TL Blankenship, MB Hooten, JA Shivik
Oecologia 164, 921-929, 2010
Invariant polar bear habitat selection during a period of sea ice loss
RR Wilson, EV Regehr, KD Rode, M St Martin
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1836), 20160380, 2016
Den phenology and reproductive success of polar bears in a changing climate
KD Rode, J Olson, D Eggett, DC Douglas, GM Durner, TC Atwood, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 99 (1), 16-26, 2018
Relative influences of climate change and human activity on the onshore distribution of polar bears
RR Wilson, EV Regehr, MS Martin, TC Atwood, E Peacock, S Miller, ...
Biological Conservation 214, 288-294, 2017
Habitat degradation affects the summer activity of polar bears
JV Ware, KD Rode, JF Bromaghin, DC Douglas, RR Wilson, EV Regehr, ...
Oecologia 184, 87-99, 2017
Linking climate change projections for an Alaskan watershed to future coho salmon production
JC Leppi, DJ Rinella, RR Wilson, WM Loya
Global Change Biology 20 (6), 1808-1820, 2014
Accounting for individuals, uncertainty, and multiscale clustering in core area estimation
RR Wilson, MB Hooten, BN Strobel, JA Shivik
The Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (6), 1343-1352, 2010
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