Miguel Rodríguez Artacho
Miguel Rodríguez Artacho
Ph. D. Profesor Titular de Universidad/Associate Professor, UNED
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CEN/ISSS WS/LT Learning Technologies Workshop--Survey of Educational Modelling Languages (EMLs)
A Rawlings, P van Rosmalen, R Koper, M Rodríguez-Artacho, P Lefrere
European Standardization Committee, 2002
Modeling educational content: the cognitive approach of the PALO language
M Rodríguez-Artacho, MFV Maíllo
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 7 (3), 124-137, 2004
Una arquitectura cognitiva para el diseño de entornos telemáticos de enseñanza y aprendizaje
M Rodríguez Artacho
Una arquitectura cognitiva para el diseño de entornos telemáticos de …, 2000
Remote laboratories for electronics and new steps in learning process integration
FG Loro, A Macho, E Sancristobal, MR Artacho, G Díaz, M Castro
2016 13th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual …, 2016
Using a high-level language to describe and create web-based learning scenarios
M Rodríguez-Artacho, ME Verdejo, JJ Mayorga, MY Calero
FIE'99 Frontiers in Education. 29th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference …, 1999
A system for the specification and development of an environment for distributed CSCL scenarios
MF Verdejo, B Barros, T Read, M Rodriguez-Artacho
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 6th International Conference, ITS 2002 …, 2002
Domain modelling to support educational web-based authoring
JI Mayorga, MF Verdejo, M Rodríguez, Y Calero
Telecommunications for Education and Training (TET 99) Congress, June 1999 …, 1999
UNED OER Experience: From OCW to Open UNED
S Ros, R Hernández, T Read, M Rodrıguez-Artacho, R Pastor, ...
IEEE Transactions on Education 57 (4), 248 - 254, 2014
Assessing semantic annotation activities with formal concept analysis
J Cigarrán-Recuero, J Gayoso-Cabada, M Rodríguez-Artacho, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (11), 5495-5508, 2014
Towards a model of collaborative support for distance learners to perform joint tasks
B Barros, M Rodriguez-Artacho, F Verdejo
The Virtual Campus: Trends for higher education and training, 155-168, 1998
An Integration Architecture of Virtual Campuses with External e-Learning Tools
A Navarro, JM Cigarrán, F Huertas, M Rodríguez-Artacho, A Cogolludo
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 17 (3), 252-266, 2014
The UNED's interoperable virtual campus service management architecture
S Ros, R Hernández, T Read, R Pastor, M Castro, M Rodríguez-Artacho, ...
2010 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), S3J-1-S3J-6, 2010
PALO language overview
M Rodriguez-Artacho
Universidad Nacional de Education a Distancia, Technical Report TR-2002-01 …, 2002
Do MOOCs sustain the UNESCO’s quality education goal?
E Tovar, B Tabuenca, A Alzaghoul, CD Kloos, J Sluss, Á López-Rey, ...
2019 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1499-1503, 2019
A proposal to support the design of experimental learning activities
MF Verdejo, B Barros, M Rodríguez-Artacho
Perspectives on Computer-supported Collaborative learning, 633-640, 2001
An adaptive multi-agent based architecture for engineering education
D Jara-Roa, P Valdiviezo-Díaz, M Agila-Palacios, C Sarango-Lapo, ...
IEEE EDUCON 2010 Conference, 217-222, 2010
Increasing engagement in a network security management course through gamification
S Martin, G Diaz, M Castro, M Rodriguez-Artacho
2019 IEEE Global engineering education conference (EDUCON), 1380-1383, 2019
Esquemas algorítmicos: enfoque metodológico y problemas resueltos
JG Arroyo, MR Artacho
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 2006
A Rawlings, P Van Rosmalen, R Koper, M Rodríguez-Artacho, P Lefrere
LT Learning Technologies Workshop: Survey of Educational Modelling Languages …, 2002
Creating web-based scenarios to support distance learners
MF Verdejo, M Rodríguez-Artacho, JI Mayorga, MY Calero
Building University Electronic Educational Environments: IFIP TC3 WG3. 2/3.6 …, 2000
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Artículos 1–20