Ron Shaar
Cited by
Cited by
PmagPy: Software package for paleomagnetic data analysis and a bridge to the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Database
L Tauxe, R Shaar, L Jonestrask, NL Swanson‐Hysell, R Minnett, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17 (6), 2450-2463, 2016
On improving the selection of Thellier‐type paleointensity data
GA Paterson, L Tauxe, AJ Biggin, R Shaar, LC Jonestrask
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 15 (4), 1180-1192, 2014
A new chronological framework for Iron Age copper production at Timna (Israel)
E Ben-Yosef, R Shaar, L Tauxe, H Ron
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 367 (1), 31-71, 2012
Geomagnetic intensity spike recorded in high resolution slag deposit in Southern Jordan
E Ben-Yosef, L Tauxe, TE Levy, R Shaar, H Ron, M Najjar
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287 (3-4), 529-539, 2009
Geomagnetic field intensity: How high can it get? How fast can it change? Constraints from Iron Age copper slag
R Shaar, E Ben-Yosef, H Ron, L Tauxe, A Agnon, R Kessel
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 301 (1-2), 297-306, 2011
Thellier GUI: An integrated tool for analyzing paleointensity data from Thellier‐type experiments
R Shaar, L Tauxe
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (3), 677-692, 2013
Large geomagnetic field anomalies revealed in Bronze to Iron Age archeomagnetic data from Tel Megiddo and Tel Hazor, Israel
R Shaar, L Tauxe, H Ron, Y Ebert, S Zuckerman, I Finkelstein, A Agnon
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 442, 173-185, 2016
Six centuries of geomagnetic intensity variations recorded by royal Judean stamped jar handles
E Ben-Yosef, M Millman, R Shaar, L Tauxe, O Lipschits
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (9), 2160-2165, 2017
Testing the accuracy of absolute intensity estimates of the ancient geomagnetic field using copper slag material
R Shaar, H Ron, L Tauxe, R Kessel, A Agnon, E Ben-Yosef, JM Feinberg
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 290 (1-2), 201-213, 2010
Decadal‐scale variations in geomagnetic field intensity from ancient C ypriot slag mounds
R Shaar, L Tauxe, E Ben‐Yosef, V Kassianidou, B Lorentzen, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (1), 195-214, 2015
Further evidence of the Levantine Iron Age geomagnetic anomaly from Georgian pottery
R Shaar, L Tauxe, A Goguitchaichvili, M Devidze, V Licheli
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (5), 2229-2236, 2017
Paleomagnetic field intensity derived from non-SD: Testing the Thellier IZZI technique on MD slag and a new bootstrap procedure
R Shaar, H Ron, L Tauxe, R Kessel, A Agnon
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 310 (3-4), 213-224, 2011
Rock magnetic properties of dendrites: Insights from MFM imaging and implications for paleomagnetic studies
R Shaar, JM Feinberg
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (2), 407-421, 2013
Paleomagnetism and paleosecular variations from the Plio‐Pleistocene Golan Heights volcanic plateau, Israel
N Behar, R Shaar, L Tauxe, H Asefaw, Y Ebert, A Heimann, AAP Koppers, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20 (9), 4319-4335, 2019
The Earth’s magnetic field in Jerusalem during the Babylonian destruction: A unique reference for field behavior and an anchor for archaeomagnetic dating
Y Vaknin, R Shaar, Y Gadot, Y Shalev, O Lipschits, E Ben-Yosef
PLoS One 15 (8), e0237029, 2020
Magnetostratigraphy and cosmogenic dating of Wonderwerk Cave: New constraints for the chronology of the South African Earlier Stone Age
R Shaar, A Matmon, LK Horwitz, Y Ebert, M Chazan, M Arnold, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 259, 106907, 2021
Reconstructing biblical military campaigns using geomagnetic field data
Y Vaknin, R Shaar, O Lipschits, A Mazar, AM Maeir, Y Garfinkel, L Freud, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (44), e2209117119, 2022
The first catalog of archaeomagnetic directions from Israel with 4,000 years of geomagnetic secular variations
R Shaar, E Hassul, K Raphael, Y Ebert, Y Segal, I Eden, Y Vaknin, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 6, 164, 2018
Synchronizing geomagnetic field intensity records in the Levant between the 23rd and 15th centuries BCE: Chronological and methodological implications
R Shaar, S Bechar, I Finkelstein, Y Gallet, MAS Martin, Y Ebert, J Keinan, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21 (12), e2020GC009251, 2020
Instability of thermoremanence and the problem of estimating the ancient geomagnetic field strength from non-single-domain recorders
R Shaar, L Tauxe
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (36), 11187-11192, 2015
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Articles 1–20