Anson Hines
Anson Hines
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
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Global invasions of marine and estuarine habitats by non-indigenous species: mechanisms, extent, and consequences
GM Ruiz, JT Carlton, ED Grosholz, AH Hines
American zoologist 37 (6), 621-632, 1997
Invasion of coastal marine communities in North America: apparent patterns, processes, and biases
GM Ruiz, PW Fofonoff, JT Carlton, MJ Wonham, AH Hines
Annual review of ecology and systematics 31 (1), 481-531, 2000
Allometric constraints and variables of reproductive effort in brachyuran crabs
AH Hines
Marine Biology 69, 309-320, 1982
Non‐indigenous species as stressors in estuarine and marine communities: assessing invasion impacts and interactions
GM Ruiz, P Fofonoff, AH Hines, ED Grosholz
Limnology and oceanography 44 (3part2), 950-972, 1999
Shallow water as a refuge habitat for fish and crustaceans in non-vegetated estuaries: an example from Chesapeake Bay
GM Ruiz, AH Hines, MH Posey
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 1-16, 1993
Guild structure and foraging impact of blue crabs and epibenthic fish in a subestuary of Chesapeake Bay
AH Hines, AM Haddon, LA Wiechert
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 1990
Biotic resistance to invasion: native predator limits abundance and distribution of an introduced crab
CE DeRivera, GM Ruiz, AH Hines, P Jivoff
Ecology 86 (12), 3364-3376, 2005
Population dynamics and habitat partitioning by size, sex, and molt stage of blue crabs Callinectes sapidus in a subestuary of central Chesapeake Bay
AH Hines, RN Lipcius, AM Haddon
Marine Ecology Progress Series 36 (1), 55-64, 1987
Variable functional responses of a marine predator in dissimilar homogeneous microhabitats
RN Lipcius, AH Hines
Ecology 67 (5), 1361-1371, 1986
Expansion of a central California kelp forest following the mass mortality of sea urchins
JS Pearse, AH Hines
Marine Biology 51, 83-91, 1979
Density‐dependent predation, habitat variation, and the persistence of marine bivalve prey
RD Seitz, RN Lipcius, AH Hines, DB Eggleston
Ecology 82 (9), 2435-2451, 2001
Geographic variation in size at maturity in brachyuran crabs
AH Hines
Bulletin of Marine Science 45 (2), 356-368, 1989
Density-dependent predation by blue crabs upon infaunal clam species with contrasting distribution and abundance patterns
DB Eggleston, RN Lipcius, AH Hines
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 55-68, 1992
Temporal variation in juvenile blue crab mortality: nearshore shallows and cannibalism in Chesapeake Bay
AH Hines, GM Ruiz
Bulletin of Marine Science 57 (3), 884-901, 1995
Evidence for sperm limitation in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus
AH Hines, PR Jivoff, PJ Bushmann, J van Montfrans, SA Reed, DL Wolcott, ...
Bulletin of Marine Science 72 (2), 287-310, 2003
Complex predator‐prey interactions within an estuarine benthic community
MH Posey, AH Hines
Ecology 72 (6), 2155-2169, 1991
Ecology of juvenile and adult blue crabs
AH Hines
Biology of the blue crab, 2007
Spatial structure of bivalves in a sandflat:: Scale and generating processes
P Legendre, SF Thrush, VJ Cummings, PK Dayton, J Grant, JE Hewitt, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 216 (1-2), 99-128, 1997
Nutrient enrichment and fisheries exploitation: interactive effects on estuarine living resources and their management
DL Breitburg, JK Craig, RS Fulford, KA Rose, WR Boynton, DC Brady, ...
Hydrobiologia 629, 31-47, 2009
Fecundity and Reproductive Output in Nine Species of Cancer crabs (Crustacea, Brachyura, Cancridae)
AH Hines
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48 (2), 267-275, 1991
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Articles 1–20