David Dubin
David Dubin
Teaching Associate Professor, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois
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Cited by
Cited by
The most influential paper Gerard Salton never wrote
D Dubin
Graduate School of Library and Information Science. University of Illinois …, 2004
Towards a semantics for XML markup
A Renear, D Dubin, CM Sperberg-McQueen
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM symposium on Document engineering, 119-126, 2002
Document analysis for visualization
D Dubin
Proceedings of the 18th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 1995
Drawing inferences on the basis of markup
CM Sperberg-McQueen, D Dubin, C Huitfeldt, AH Renear
IDEAlliance and Mulberry Technologies, Inc, 2002
A logic programming environment for document semantics and inference
D Dubin, A Renear, CM Sperberg‐McQueen, C Huitfeldt
Literary and Linguistic Computing 18 (1), 39-47, 2003
Identifying content and levels of representation in scientific data
KM Wickett, S Sacchi, D Dubin, AH Renear
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology …, 2012
Towards identity conditions for digital documents
A Renear, D Dubin
Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata …, 2003
A framework for applying the concept of significant properties to datasets
S Sacchi, K Wickett, A Renear, D Dubin
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology …, 2011
Three of the four FRBR Group 1 entity types are roles, not types
AH Renear, D Dubin
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology …, 2007
An XML document corresponds to which FRBR Group 1 entity?
AH Renear, C Phillippe, P Lawton, D Dubin
IDEAlliance and Mulberry Technologies, Inc, 2003
XML semantics and digital libraries
A Renear, D Dubin, CM Sperberg-McQueen, C Huitfeldt
2003 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2003. Proceedings., 303-305, 2003
The linked fragment: TEI and the encoding of text reuses of lost authors
M Berti, B Almas, D Dubin, G Franzini, S Stoyanova, GR Crane
Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, 2014
Object mapping for markup semantics
D Dubin
IDEAlliance and Mulberry Technologies, Inc, 2003
Collection/Item metadata relationships
AH Renear, KM Wickett, RJ Urban, D Dubin, SL Shreeves
Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata …, 2008
Structure in document browsing spaces
DS Dubin
University of Pittsburgh, 1996
Context-sensitive vocabulary mapping with a spreading activation network
J Lee, D Dubin
Proceedings of the 22nd annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 1999
Content, format, and interpretation
D Dubin, KM Wickett, S Sacchi
Preserving meaning, not just objects: semantics and digital preservation
D Dubin, J Futrelle, J Plutchak, J Eke
Library Trends 57 (3), 595-610, 2009
Interpretation beyond markup
D Dubin, DJ Birnbaum
IDEAlliance and Mulberry Technologies, Inc, 2004
What it is vs. how we shall: complementary agendas for data models and architectures
D Dubin, M Senseney, J Jett
Balisage: The Markup Conference 2013, 2013
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Articles 1–20