Frédéric Gava
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Cited by
Bulk synchronous parallel ML: modular implementation and performance prediction
F Loulergue, F Gava, D Billiet
Computational Science–ICCS 2005: 5th International Conference, Atlanta, GA …, 2005
A static analysis for Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML to avoid parallel nesting
F Gava, F Loulergue
Future Generation Computer Systems 21 (5), 665-671, 2005
Functional parallel programming with revised bulk synchronous parallel ML
W Bousdira, F Gava, L Gesbert, F Loulergue, G Petiot
2010 First International Conference on Networking and Computing, 191-196, 2010
Formal proofs of functional BSP programs
F Gava
Parallel Processing Letters 13 (03), 365-376, 2003
BSP-Why: A tool for deductive verification of BSP algorithms with subgroup synchronisation
J Fortin, F Gava
International Journal of Parallel Programming 44 (3), 574-597, 2016
Bulk synchronous parallel ML with exceptions
L Gesbert, F Gava, F Loulergue, F Dabrowski
Future Generation Computer Systems 26 (3), 486-490, 2010
A BSP algorithm for on-the-fly checking CTL* formulas on security protocols
F Gava, F Pommereau, M Guedj
The Journal of Supercomputing 69 (2), 629-672, 2014
Towards mechanised semantics of hpc: The bsp with subgroup synchronisation case
J Fortin, F Gava
Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing: ICA3PP International …, 2015
Multi-ML: programming multi-BSP algorithms in ML
V Allombert, F Gava, J Tesson
International Journal of Parallel Programming 45, 340-361, 2017
CPS implementation of a BSP composition primitive with application to the implementation of algorithmic skeletons
I Garnier, F Gava
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 26 (4 …, 2011
Approches fonctionnelles de la programmation parallèle et des méta-ordinateurs. Sémantiques, implantations et certification.
F Gava
Université Paris XII Val de Marne, 2005
Deductive verification of state-space algorithms
F Gava, J Fortin, M Guedj
Integrated Formal Methods: 10th International Conference, IFM 2013, Turku …, 2013
Semantics and implementation of minimally synchronous parallel ML
F Loulergue, F Gava, M Arapinis, F Dabrowski
International Journal of Computer and Information Science 5 (3), 182-199, 2004
Implementation of data-parallel skeletons: A case study using a coarse-grained hierarchical model
C Li, F Gava, G Hains
2012 11th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, 26-33, 2012
A functional language for departmental metacomputing
F Gava, F Loulergue
Parallel Processing Letters 15 (03), 289-304, 2005
External memory in bulk-synchronous parallel ML
F Gava
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 6 (4), 2005
A parallel virtual machine for bulk synchronous parallel ML
F Gava, F Loulergue
International Conference on Computational Science, 155-164, 2003
Bsp functional programming: Examples of a cost based methodology
F Gava
Computational Science–ICCS 2008: 8th International Conference, Kraków …, 2008
Axiomatization and characterization of BSP algorithms
Y Marquer, F Gava
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 109, 100479, 2019
A modular implementation of data structures in bulk-synchronous parallel ML
F Gava
Parallel Processing Letters 18 (01), 39-53, 2008
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Articles 1–20