Xiaorun Li
Cited by
Cited by
Bottom-up structural proteomics: cryoEM of protein complexes enriched from the cellular milieu
CM Ho, X Li, M Lai, TC Terwilliger, JR Beck, J Wohlschlegel, DE Goldberg, ...
Nature Methods, 2019
Molecular basis for CENP-N recognition of CENP-A nucleosome on the human kinetochore
T Tian, X Li, Y Liu, C Wang, X Liu, G Bi, X Zhang, X Yao, ZH Zhou, J Zang
Cell research 28 (3), 374, 2018
Chemical synthesis of K34‐ubiquitylated H2B for nucleosome reconstitution and single‐particle cryo‐electron microscopy structural analysis
J Li, Q He, Y Liu, S Liu, S Tang, C Li, D Sun, X Li, M Zhou, P Zhu, G Bi, ...
ChemBioChem 18 (2), 176-180, 2017
Cryo-EM structure of the ASIC1a–mambalgin-1 complex reveals that the peptide toxin mambalgin-1 inhibits acid-sensing ion channels through an unusual allosteric effect
D Sun, Y Yu, X Xue, M Pan, M Wen, S Li, Q Qu, X Li, L Zhang, X Li, L Liu, ...
Cell discovery 4 (1), 27, 2018
Native structure of the RhopH complex, a key determinant of malaria parasite nutrient acquisition
CM Ho, J Jih, M Lai, X Li, DE Goldberg, JR Beck, ZH Zhou
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (35), 2021
Structural basis of gRNA stabilization and mRNA recognition in trypanosomal RNA editing
S Liu, H Wang, X Li, F Zhang, JKJ Lee, Z Li, C Yu, JJ Hu, X Zhao, ...
Science 381 (6653), eadg4725, 2023
Protein identification from electron cryomicroscopy maps by automated model building and side-chain matching
TC Terwilliger, OV Sobolev, PV Afonine, PD Adams, CM Ho, X Li, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology 77 (4), 457-462, 2021
Cryo-electron microscopy reveals informative details of GABAA receptor structural pharmacology: implications for drug discovery
RW Olsen, AK Lindemeyer, M Wallner, X Li, KW Huynh, ZH Zhou
Ann Transl Med 7 (Suppl 3), 2019
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Articles 1–8