Juan Du
Juan Du
Professor at NIMTE, CAS
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Cited by
Magnetocaloric effect and magnetic-field-induced shape recovery effect at room temperature in ferromagnetic Heusler alloy Ni–Mn–Sb
J Du, Q Zheng, WJ Ren, WJ Feng, XG Liu, ZD Zhang
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40 (18), 5523, 2007
InAs nanowire transistors as gas sensor and the response mechanism
J Du, D Liang, H Tang, XPA Gao
Nano letters 9 (12), 4348-4351, 2009
Identification of new sex pheromone components inTrichoplusia ni, predicted from biosynthetic precursors
LB Bjostad, CE Linn, JW Du, WL Roelofs
Journal of Chemical Ecology 10, 1309-1323, 1984
Large magnetocaloric effect and enhanced magnetic refrigeration in ternary Gd-based bulk metallic glasses
J Du, Q Zheng, YB Li, Q Zhang, D Li, ZD Zhang
Journal of Applied Physics 103 (2), 2008
Three European corn borer populations in New York based on sex pheromones and voltinism
WL Roelofs, JW Du, XH Tang, PS Robbins, CJ Eckenrode
Journal of Chemical Ecology 11, 829-836, 1985
Giant magnetocaloric effect in the Ising antiferromagnet DySb
WJ Hu, J Du, B Li, Q Zhang, ZD Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 92 (19), 2008
Redundancy in a chemical signal: Behavioral responses of maleTrichoplusia ni to a 6-Component sex pheromone blend
CE Linn, LB Bjostad, JW Du, WL Roelofs
Journal of Chemical Ecology 10, 1635-1658, 1984
Controllable spin-glass behavior and large magnetocaloric effect in Gd-Ni-Al bulk metallic glasses
F Yuan, J Du, B Shen
Applied Physics Letters 101 (3), 2012
Large reversible magnetocaloric effect in Tb3Co compound
B Li, J Du, WJ Ren, WJ Hu, Q Zhang, D Li, ZD Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 92 (24), 2008
Identification and bioassay of sex pheromone components of carob moth,Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Zeller)
TC Baker, W Francke, JG Millar, C Löfstedt, B Hansson, JW Du, ...
Journal of Chemical Ecology 17, 1973-1988, 1991
Large magnetic entropy change and enhanced mechanical properties of Ni–Mn–Sn–C alloys
Y Zhang, J Liu, Q Zheng, J Zhang, W Xia, J Du, A Yan
Scripta Materialia 75, 26-29, 2014
Large room-temperature magnetocaloric effects in Fe0. 8Mn1. 5As
NK Sun, S Ma, Q Zhang, J Du, ZD Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 91 (11), 2007
Enhanced large magnetic entropy change and adiabatic temperature change of Ni43Mn46Sn11 alloys by a rapid solidification method
Y Zhang, Q Zheng, W Xia, J Zhang, J Du, A Yan
Scripta Materialia, 2015
Neuronal apoptosis in the developing cerebellum
XS Cheng, MS Li, J Du, QY Jiang, L Wang, SY Yan, DM Yu, JB Deng
Anatomia, histologia, embryologia 40 (1), 21-27, 2011
Spin-glass behavior and magnetocaloric effect in Tb-based bulk metallic glass
J Du, Q Zheng, E Brück, KHJ Buschow, WB Cui, WJ Feng, ZD Zhang
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (5), 413-417, 2009
Giant magnetocaloric effect in ε-(Mn0. 83Fe0. 17) 3.25 Ge antiferromagnet
J Du, WB Cui, Q Zhang, S Ma, DK Xiong, ZD Zhang
Applied physics letters 90 (4), 2007
Specificity of male response to multicomponent pheromones in noctuid mothsTrichoplusia ni andPseudoplusia includens
CE Linn, A Hammond, J Du, WL Roelofs
Journal of chemical ecology 14, 47-57, 1988
Magnetic properties and enhanced magnetic refrigeration in (Mn1− xFex) 5Ge3 compounds
Q Zhang, J Du, YB Li, NK Sun, WB Cui, D Li, ZD Zhang
Journal of applied physics 101 (12), 2007
Large reversible magnetocaloric effect in Tb2In
Q Zhang, JH Cho, J Du, F Yang, XG Liu, WJ Feng, YJ Zhang, J Li, ...
Solid state communications 149 (9-10), 396-399, 2009
Large low-field inverse magnetocaloric effect in Ni50− xMn38+ xSb12 alloys
WJ Feng, J Du, B Li, WJ Hu, ZD Zhang, XH Li, YF Deng
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (12), 125003, 2009
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