Tingting Fan
Tingting Fan
Department of Physics and JILA, University of Colorado
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Bright Circularly Polarized Soft X-Ray High Harmonics for X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism
T Fan, P Grychtol, R Knut, C Hernandez-Garcia, D Hickstein, C Gentry, ...
CLEO: 2015 Postdeadline Paper Digest, JTh5C.1, 2015
Non-collinear generation of angularly isolated circularly polarized high harmonics
DD Hickstein, FJ Dollar, P Grychtol, JL Ellis, R Knut, C Hernández-García, ...
Nature Photonics 9 (11), 743-750, 2015
Helicity-selective enhancement and polarization control of attosecond high harmonic waveforms driven by bichromatic circularly polarized laser fields
KM Dorney, JL Ellis, C Hernández-García, DD Hickstein, CA Mancuso, ...
Physical Review Letters 119 (6), 063201, 2017
High flux coherent supercontinuum soft X-ray source driven by a single-stage 10 mJ, kHz, Ti:sapphire laser amplifier
C Ding, W Xiong, T Fan, D Hickstein, T Popmintchev, X Zhang, M Walls, ...
CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, FTu3B.2, 2014
Helicity-selective phase-matching and quasi-phase matching of circularly polarized high-order harmonics: towards chiral attosecond pulses
O Kfir, P Grychtol, E Turgut, R Knut, D Zusin, A Fleischer, E Bordo, T Fan, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49 (12), 123501, 2016
Materials properties and solvated electron dynamics of isolated nanoparticles and nanodroplets probed with ultrafast extreme ultraviolet beams
JL Ellis, DD Hickstein, W Xiong, F Dollar, BB Palm, KE Keister, KM Dorney, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 (4), 609-615, 2016
Phase matching of noncollinear sum and difference frequency high harmonic generation above and below the critical ionization level
JL Ellis, KM Dorney, CG Durfee, C Hernández-García, F Dollar, ...
Optics express 25 (9), 10126-10144, 2017
Bright, single helicity, high harmonics driven by mid-infrared bicircular laser fields
KM Dorney, T Fan, QLD Nguyen, JL Ellis, DD Hickstein, N Brooks, ...
Optics Express 29 (23), 38119-38128, 2021
Phase matching of noncollinear sum and difference frequency high harmonic generation
JL Ellis, KM Dorney, CG Durfee, C Hernandez-Garcia, F Dollar, ...
CLEO: Applications and Technology, ATh3C. 3, 2017
Bright Linearly and Circularly Polarized Extreme Ultraviolet and Soft X-ray High Harmonics for Absorption Spectroscopy
T Fan
University of Colorado at Boulder, 2017
Bright Soft X-ray High Harmonic Generation with Circular Polarization for X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism
T Fan, P Grychtol, R Knut, C Hernández-García, DD Hickstein, D Zusin, ...
Compact EUV & X-ray Light Sources, ET5A. 5, 2016
Erratum: Non-collinear generation of angularly isolated circularly polarized high harmonics
DD Hickstein, FJ Dollar, P Grychtol, JL Ellis, R Knut, C Hernández-García, ...
Nature Photonics 10 (2), 135-135, 2016
Quantum Design of Coherent X-rays with Spin and Orbital Angular Momentum
T Popmintchev, T Fan, D Popmintchev
Book of Abstracts, 1, 2019
Straightforward Production of Bright, Polarization-Tunable Attosecond High-Harmonic Waveforms via Circularly Polarized High Harmonic Generation
KM Dorney, T Fan, JL Ellis, DD Hickstein, C Mancuso, N Brooks, D Zusin, ...
High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena, HM2A. 4, 2018
Elliptically polarized attosecond pulse trains produced via circularly polarized high harmonic generation
KM Dorney, JL Ellis, C Hernández-García, DD Hickstein, CA Mancuso, ...
CLEO: Applications and Technology, ATh4C. 3, 2017
Bright Circularly Polarized Soft X-ray Harmonics for Static and Dynamic X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism
T Fan, P Grychtol, R Knut, C Hernández-García, DD Hickstein, D Zusin, ...
International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, UW2B. 1, 2016
Femtosecond Dynamics of Solvated Electrons in Nanodroplets Probed with Extreme Ultraviolet Beams
JL Ellis, DD Hickstein, W Xiong, F Dollar, BB Palm, KE Keister, KM Dorney, ...
International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, UTh3B. 6, 2016
Generation of bright soft X-ray harmonics with circular polarization for X-ray magnetic circular dichroism
T Fan, P Grychtol, R Knut, C Hernández-García, DD Hickstein, D Zusin, ...
CLEO: Science and Innovations, SF1I. 1, 2016
Tabletop soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements using circularly polarized high harmonic sources
T Fan, R Knut, C Hernández García, D Hickstein, D Zusin, C Gentry, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2016, L18. 001, 2016
Circularly Polarized Soft X-Ray High Harmonics and XMCD on a Tabletop
T Fan, P Gychtol, R Knut, C Hernández-García, D Hickstein, C Gentry, ...
Nonlinear Optics, NTh1A. 2, 2015
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Articles 1–20