Jaume Giné
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Cited by
On the integrability of two-dimensional flows
J Chavarriga, H Giacomini, J Giné, J Llibre
journal of differential equations 157 (1), 163-182, 1999
Darboux integrability and the inverse integrating factor
J Chavarriga, H Giacomini, J Giné, J Llibre
Journal of Differential Equations 194 (1), 116-139, 2003
Local analytic integrability for nilpotent centers
J Chavarriga, H Giacomin, J Giné, J Llibre
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 23 (2), 417-428, 2003
The problem of distinguishing between a center and a focus for nilpotent and degenerate analytic systems
H Giacomini, J Giné, J Llibre
Journal of Differential Equations 227 (2), 406-426, 2006
On some open problems in planar differential systems and Hilbert’s 16th problem
J Giné
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 31 (5), 1118-1134, 2007
Isochronous centers of a linear center perturbed by fourth degree homogeneous polynomial
J Chavarriga, J Giné, IA García
Bulletin des sciences mathematiques 123 (2), 77-96, 1999
Isochronous centers of a linear center perturbed by fifth degree homogeneous polynomials
J Chavarriga, J Giné, IA Garcıa
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 126 (1-2), 351-368, 2000
Integrability of a linear center perturbed by a fourth degree homogeneous polynomial
J Chavarriga, J Giné
Publicacions matematiques, 21-39, 1996
Integrability of a linear center perturbed by a fifth degree homogeneous polynomial
J Chavarriga, J Giné
Publicacions matematiques, 335-356, 1997
Limit cycles of cubic polynomial vector fields via the averaging theory
J Giné, J Llibre
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 66 (8), 1707-1721, 2007
Averaging theory at any order for computing periodic orbits
J Giné, M Grau, J Llibre
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 250, 58-65, 2013
Integrability conditions for Lotka–Volterra planar complex quintic systems
J Giné, VG Romanovski
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 11 (3), 2100-2105, 2010
Conditions for the existence of a center for the Kukles homogeneous systems
J Giné
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 43 (10-11), 1261-1269, 2002
Coexistence of algebraic and non-algebraic limit cycles, explicitly given, using Riccati equations
J Giné, M Grau
Nonlinearity 19 (8), 1939, 2006
On integrability of differential equations defined by the sum of homogeneous vector fields with degenerate infinity
J Chavarriga, IA García, J Giné
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11 (03), 711-722, 2001
Isochronous centers of cubic systems with degenerate infinity
J Chavarriga, J Giné, I García
Differential Equations Dynam. Systems 7 (2), 221-238, 1999
Integrability of cubic systems with degenerate infinity
J Chavarriga, J Giné
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 6 (4), 425-438, 1998
On the Poincaré-Lyapunov constants and the Poincaré series
J Giné, X Santallusia
Applicationes Mathematicae 1 (28), 17-30, 2001
Characterization of isochronous foci for planar analytic differential systems
J Giné, M Grau
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 135 (5 …, 2005
Generalized nonlinear superposition principles for polynomial planar vector fields
IA Garcıa, H Giacomini, J Giné
J. Lie Theory 15 (1), 89-104, 2005
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Articles 1–20