Urs Aeberhard
Urs Aeberhard
Fluxim AG & ETHZ
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Microscopic nonequilibrium theory of quantum well solar cells
U Aeberhard, RH Morf
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (12), 125343, 2008
Theory and simulation of quantum photovoltaic devices based on the non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism
U Aeberhard
Journal of computational electronics 10, 394, 2011
Optimized amorphous silicon oxide buffer layers for silicon heterojunction solar cells with microcrystalline silicon oxide contact layers
K Ding, U Aeberhard, F Finger, U Rau
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (13), 2013
Effect of spin-orbit coupling on zero-conductance resonances in asymmetrically coupled one-dimensional rings
U Aeberhard, K Wakabayashi, M Sigrist
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (7), 075328, 2005
Silicon heterojunction solar cell with amorphous silicon oxide buffer and microcrystalline silicon oxide contact layers
K Ding, U Aeberhard, F Finger, U Rau
physica status solidi (RRL)-Rapid Research Letters, 2012
Fluorescence of colloidal PbSe/PbS QDs in NIR luminescent solar concentrators
U Aeberhard, R Vaxenburg, E Lifshitz, S Tomić
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (47), 16223-16228, 2012
Wide Gap Microcrystalline Silicon Oxide Emitter for a-SiO_x: H/c-Si Heterojunction Solar Cells
K Ding, U Aeberhard, V Smirnov, B Holländer, F Finger, U Rau
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 52 (12), 122304, 2013
Quantum-kinetic theory of photocurrent generation via direct and phonon-mediated optical transitions
U Aeberhard
Physical Review B 84, 035454, 2011
Hot-carrier optoelectronic devices based on semiconductor nanowires
J Fast, U Aeberhard, S Bremner, H Linke
Applied Physics Reviews 8 (2), 021309, 2021
Microscopic Perspective on Photovoltaic Reciprocity in Ultrathin Solar Cells
U Aeberhard, U Rau
Physical Review Letters 118, 247702, 2017
Theory and simulation of photogeneration and transport in Si-SiO x superlattice absorbers
U Aeberhard
Nanoscale research letters 6, 1-10, 2011
Photocarrier extraction in GaAsSb/GaAsN type-II QW superlattice solar cells
U Aeberhard, A Gonzalo, JM Ulloa
Applied Physics Letters 112, 213904, 2018
Quantum-kinetic theory of steady-state photocurrent generation in thin films: Coherent versus incoherent coupling
U Aeberhard
Phys. Rev. B 89, 115303, 2014
Simulation of nanostructure-based high-efficiency solar cells: challenges, existing approaches and future directions
U Aeberhard
Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 19 (5), 1-11, 2013
Effective microscopic theory of quantum dot superlattice solar cells
U Aeberhard
Optical and Quantum Electronics 44, 133, 2012
Ab-initio study of silicon based materials for photovoltaic applications
S Giusepponi, M Gusso, M Celino, U Aeberhard, P Czaja
ENEA, 2016
Photovoltaics at the mesoscale: insights from quantum-kinetic simulation
U Aeberhard
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (32), 323002, 2018
Defect passivation by hydrogen reincorporation for silicon quantum dots in SiC/SiO< sub> x</sub> hetero-superlattice
K Ding, U Aeberhard, O Astakhov, U Breuer, M Beigmohamadi, S Suckow, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2012
Simulation of nanostructure-based and ultra-thin film solar cell devices beyond the classical picture
U Aeberhard
Jornal of Photonics for Energy 4 (1), 042099, 2014
Silicon quantum dot formation in SiC/SiO x hetero-superlattice
K Ding, U Aeberhard, O Astakhov, F Köhler, W Beyer, F Finger, R Carius, ...
Energy Procedia 10, 249-254, 2011
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Articles 1–20