Aare Puussaar
Aare Puussaar
Independent Information Engineer, Lived Informatics
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Enhancing personal informatics through social sensemaking
A Puussaar, AK Clear, P Wright
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
Making open data work for civic advocacy
A Puussaar, IG Johnson, K Montague, P James, P Wright
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2 (CSCW), 1-20, 2018
Neighbourhood data: Exploring the role of open data in locally devolved policymaking processes
IG Johnson, A Puussaar, J Manuel, P Wright
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2 (CSCW), 1-20, 2018
Exploring the use of mobile phone data for domestic tourism trip analysis
M Vanhoof, L Hendrickx, A Puussaar, G Verstraeten, T Ploetz, Z Smoreda
Netcom. Réseaux, communication et territoires, 335-372, 2017
SenseMyStreet: Sensor Commissioning Toolkit for Communities
A Puussaar, K Montague, S Peacock, T Nappey, R Anderson, J Jonczyk, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6 (CSCW2), 1-26, 2022
Sensing our streets: Involving children in making people-centred smart cities
S Peacock, A Puussaar, C Crivellaro
The Routledge handbook of placemaking, 130-140, 2020
Better together: Reciprocal sharing and social sensemaking of data
A Puussaar, A Clear, P Wright
Workshop on “Quantified Data and Social Relationships”-CHI2017, 2017
Indoor Positioning Using WLAN Fingerprinting with Post-Processing Scheme
A Puussaar
Master's Thesis, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Tartu, 2014
Exploring the Role of Paradata in Digitally Supported Qualitative Co-Research
J Rainey, S Macfarlane, A Puussaar, V Vlachokyriakos, R Burrows, ...
Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2022
Democratising data science: effective use of data by communities for civic participation, advocacy and action
A Puussaar
Newcastle University, 2020
Requirements and analysis of Multispectral Volume Scattering Meter
A Puussaar
Socially contextual data discovery: Using self-surveillance for collective sensemaking
A Puussaar
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Artículos 1–12