Richard Wasserman
Richard Wasserman
Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, Larner College of Medicine, University of Vermont
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Secondary sexual characteristics and menses in young girls seen in office practice: a study from the Pediatric Research in Office Settings network
ME Herman-Giddens, EJ Slora, RC Wasserman, CJ Bourdony, ...
Pediatrics 99 (4), 505-512, 1997
Earlier onset of puberty in girls: relation to increased body mass index and race
PB Kaplowitz, EJ Slora, RC Wasserman, SE Pedlow, ...
Pediatrics 108 (2), 347-353, 2001
Increasing identification of psychosocial problems: 1979–1996
KJ Kelleher, TK McInerny, WP Gardner, GE Childs, RC Wasserman
Pediatrics 105 (6), 1313-1321, 2000
Effect of an outpatient antimicrobial stewardship intervention on broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribing by primary care pediatricians: a randomized trial
JS Gerber, PA Prasad, AG Fiks, AR Localio, RW Grundmeier, LM Bell, ...
Jama 309 (22), 2345-2352, 2013
Office-based motivational interviewing to prevent childhood obesity: a feasibility study
RP Schwartz, R Hamre, WH Dietz, RC Wasserman, EJ Slora, EF Myers, ...
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 161 (5), 495-501, 2007
Secondary sexual characteristics in boys: data from the Pediatric Research in Office Settings Network
ME Herman-Giddens, J Steffes, D Harris, E Slora, M Hussey, ...
Pediatrics 130 (5), e1058-e1068, 2012
The PSC-17: A brief pediatric symptom checklist with psychosocial problem subscales. A report from PROS and ASPN
W Gardner, M Murphy, G Childs, K Kelleher, M Pagano, M Jellinek, ...
Ambulatory Child Health 5 (3), 225-236, 1999
Management and outcomes of care of fever in early infancy
RH Pantell, TB Newman, J Bernzweig, DA Bergman, JI Takayama, ...
Jama 291 (10), 1203-1212, 2004
From suspicion of physical child abuse to reporting: primary care clinician decision-making
EG Flaherty, RD Sege, J Griffith, LL Price, R Wasserman, E Slora, ...
Pediatrics 122 (3), 611-619, 2008
Promotion of physical activity for children and adults with congenital heart disease: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association
PE Longmuir, JA Brothers, SD De Ferranti, LL Hayman, GF Van Hare, ...
Circulation 127 (21), 2147-2159, 2013
Motivational interviewing and dietary counseling for obesity in primary care: an RCT
K Resnicow, F McMaster, A Bocian, D Harris, Y Zhou, L Snetselaar, ...
Pediatrics 135 (4), 649-657, 2015
Is office-based counseling about media use, timeouts, and firearm storage effective? Results from a cluster-randomized, controlled trial
SL Barkin, SA Finch, EH Ip, B Scheindlin, JA Craig, J Steffes, V Weiley, ...
Pediatrics 122 (1), e15-e25, 2008
Pediatric clinicians' support for parents makes a difference: an outcome-based analysis of clinician-parent interaction
RC Wasserman, TS Inui, RD Barriatua, WB Carter, P Lippincott
Pediatrics 74 (6), 1047-1053, 1984
Association of broad-vs narrow-spectrum antibiotics with treatment failure, adverse events, and quality of life in children with acute respiratory tract infections
JS Gerber, RK Ross, M Bryan, AR Localio, JE Szymczak, R Wasserman, ...
Jama 318 (23), 2325-2336, 2017
Effectiveness of decision support for families, clinicians, or both on HPV vaccine receipt
AG Fiks, RW Grundmeier, S Mayne, L Song, K Feemster, D Karavite, ...
Pediatrics 131 (6), 1114-1124, 2013
The influence of provider behavior, parental characteristics, and a public policy initiative on the immunization status of children followed by private pediatricians: a study …
JA Taylor, PM Darden, E Slora, CM Hasemeier, L Asmussen, ...
Pediatrics 99 (2), 209-215, 1997
Systematic analysis of clinician-patient interactions: a critique of recent approaches with suggestions for future research
RC Wasserman, TS Inui
Medical Care 21 (3), 279-293, 1983
Identification of attentional and hyperactivity problems in primary care: a report from pediatric research in office settings and the ambulatory sentinel practice network
RC Wasserman, KJ Kelleher, A Bocian, A Baker, GE Childs, F Indacochea, ...
Pediatrics 103 (3), e38-e38, 1999
Urine testing and urinary tract infections in febrile infants seen in office settings: the Pediatric Research in Office Settings' Febrile Infant Study
TB Newman, JA Bernzweig, JI Takayama, SA Finch, RC Wasserman, ...
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 156 (1), 44-54, 2002
Preschool vision screening in pediatric practice: a study from the Pediatric Research in Office Settings (PROS) Network
RC Wasserman, CA Croft, SE Brotherton
Pediatrics 89 (5), 834-838, 1992
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Articles 1–20