Dario Gabriel Perez
Cited by
Cited by
A multifractal approach for stock market inefficiency
L Zunino, BM Tabak, A Figliola, DG Pérez, M Garavaglia, OA Rosso
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387 (26), 6558-6566, 2008
Forbidden patterns, permutation entropy and stock market inefficiency
L Zunino, M Zanin, BM Tabak, DG Pérez, OA Rosso
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 388 (14), 2854-2864, 2009
Complexity-entropy causality plane: A useful approach to quantify the stock market inefficiency
L Zunino, M Zanin, BM Tabak, DG Pérez, OA Rosso
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 389 (9), 1891-1901, 2010
Multifractal structure in Latin-American market indices
L Zunino, A Figliola, BM Tabak, DG Pérez, M Garavaglia, OA Rosso
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 41 (5), 2331-2340, 2009
Permutation entropy of fractional Brownian motion and fractional Gaussian noise
L Zunino, DG Pérez, MT Martín, M Garavaglia, A Plastino, OA Rosso
Physics Letters A 372 (27-28), 4768-4774, 2008
Commodity predictability analysis with a permutation information theory approach
L Zunino, BM Tabak, F Serinaldi, M Zanin, DG Pérez, OA Rosso
Physica A: statistical mechanics and its applications 390 (5), 876-890, 2011
Fractional Brownian motion, fractional Gaussian noise, and Tsallis permutation entropy
L Zunino, DG Pérez, A Kowalski, MT Martín, M Garavaglia, A Plastino, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387 (24), 6057-6068, 2008
Wavelet entropy of stochastic processes
L Zunino, DG Pérez, M Garavaglia, OA Rosso
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 379 (2), 503-512, 2007
Otolith shape analysis as a tool for stock identification of the southern blue whiting, Micromesistius australis
J Leguá, G Plaza, D Pérez, A Arkhipkin
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 41 (3), 479-489, 2013
Extracting features of Gaussian self-similar stochastic processes via the Bandt-Pompe approach
OA Rosso, L Zunino, DG Pérez, A Figliola, HA Larrondo, M Garavaglia, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (6 …, 2007
Characterization of Gaussian self-similar stochastic processes using wavelet-based informational tools
L Zunino, DG Pérez, MT Martín, A Plastino, M Garavaglia, OA Rosso
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (2 …, 2007
Inefficiency in Latin-American market indices
L Zunino, BM Tabak, DG Pérez, M Garavaglia, OA Rosso
The European Physical Journal B 60, 111-121, 2007
Wavelet entropy and fractional Brownian motion time series
DG Perez, L Zunino, M Garavaglia, OA Rosso
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 365 (2), 282-288, 2006
Complex wavefront reconstruction from multiple-image planes produced by a focus tunable lens
F Mosso, E Peters, DG Pérez
Optics letters 40 (20), 4623-4626, 2015
Modeling turbulent wave-front phase as a fractional Brownian motion: a new approach
DG Pérez, L Zunino, M Garavaglia
JOSA A 21 (10), 1962-1969, 2004
Behavior of the laser beam wandering variance with the turbulent path length
G Funes, D Gulich, L Zunino, DG Pérez, M Garavaglia
Optics communications 272 (2), 476-479, 2007
Real-time acquisition of complex optical fields by binary amplitude modulation
E Peters, P Clemente, E Salvador-Balaguer, E Tajahuerce, P Andrés, ...
Optics letters 42 (10), 2030-2033, 2017
Synthesis of anisotropic optical turbulence at the laboratory
G Funes, F Olivares, CG Weinberger, YD Carrasco, L Nuñez, DG Pérez
Optics letters 41 (24), 5696-5699, 2016
Model-free stochastic processes studied with q-wavelet-based informational tools
DG Pérez, L Zunino, MT Martin, M Garavaglia, A Plastino, OA Rosso
Physics Letters A 364 (3-4), 259-266, 2007
Generalized wavefront phase for non-Kolmogorov turbulence
DG Pérez, L Zunino
Optics letters 33 (6), 572-574, 2008
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Articles 1–20