Aaron J Friedman
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Cited by
Superconductivity of F-substituted Ln OBiS2 (Ln= La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Yb) compounds
D Yazici, K Huang, BD White, AH Chang, AJ Friedman, MB Maple
Philosophical Magazine 93 (6), 673-680, 2013
Superconductivity induced by electron doping in LaOBiS ( Ti, Zr, Hf, Th)
D Yazici, K Huang, BD White, I Jeon, VW Burnett, AJ Friedman, IK Lum, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (17), 174512, 2013
Spectral statistics and many-body quantum chaos with conserved charge
AJ Friedman, A Chan, A De Luca, JT Chalker
Physical Review Letters 123 (21), 210603, 2019
Diffusive hydrodynamics from integrability breaking
AJ Friedman, S Gopalakrishnan, R Vasseur
Physical Review B 101 (18), 180302, 2020
Particle-hole symmetry, many-body localization, and topological edge modes
R Vasseur, AJ Friedman, SA Parameswaran, AC Potter
Physical Review B 93 (13), 134207, 2016
Subdiffusion and many-body quantum chaos with kinetic constraints
H Singh, BA Ware, R Vasseur, AJ Friedman
Physical Review Letters 127 (23), 230602, 2021
Integrable many-body quantum Floquet-Thouless pumps
AJ Friedman, S Gopalakrishnan, R Vasseur
Physical review letters 123 (17), 170603, 2019
Measurement-induced phases of matter require feedback
AJ Friedman, O Hart, R Nandkishore
PRX Quantum 4 (4), 040309, 2023
Structure and physical properties of RT2Cd20 (R= rare earth, T= Ni, Pd) compounds with the CeCr2Al20-type structure
VW Burnett, D Yazici, BD White, NR Dilley, AJ Friedman, B Brandom, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 215, 114-121, 2014
Localization-protected order in spin chains with non-Abelian discrete symmetries
AJ Friedman, R Vasseur, AC Potter, SA Parameswaran
Physical Review B 98 (6), 064203, 2018
Locality and error correction in quantum dynamics with measurement
AJ Friedman, C Yin, Y Hong, A Lucas
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.09929, 2022
Topological edge modes without symmetry in quasiperiodically driven spin chains
AJ Friedman, B Ware, R Vasseur, AC Potter
Physical Review B 105 (11), 115117, 2022
Effect of yttrium substitution on the superconducting properties of
I Jeon, D Yazici, BD White, AJ Friedman, MB Maple
Physical Review B 90 (5), 054510, 2014
Investigation of magnetic order in and
D Yazici, BD White, PC Ho, N Kanchanavatee, K Huang, AJ Friedman, ...
Physical Review B 90 (14), 144406, 2014
Designing open quantum systems with known steady states: Davies generators and beyond
J Guo, O Hart, CF Chen, AJ Friedman, A Lucas
Quantum 9, 1612, 2025
Weak hybridization and isolated localized magnetic moments in the compounds CeT2Cd20 (T= Ni, Pd)
BD White, D Yazici, PC Ho, N Kanchanavatee, N Pouse, Y Fang, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (31), 315602, 2015
Hydrodynamics of higher-rank gauge theories
M Qi, O Hart, AJ Friedman, R Nandkishore, A Lucas
SciPost Physics 14 (3), 029, 2023
Hydrodynamics with triangular point group
AJ Friedman, CQ Cook, A Lucas
SciPost Physics 14 (5), 137, 2023
Generalized time-reversal symmetry and effective theories for nonequilibrium matter
X Huang, JH Farrell, AJ Friedman, I Zane, P Glorioso, A Lucas
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.12233, 2023
Quantum teleportation implies symmetry-protected topological order
Y Hong, DT Stephen, AJ Friedman
Quantum 8, 1499, 2024
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Articles 1–20