Pierre Colinet
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Cited by
Nonlinear dynamics of surface-tension-driven instabilities
P Colinet, JC Legros, MG Velarde
Wiley-vch, 2001
Interfacial phenomena and convection
AA Nepomnyashchy, MG Velarde, P Colinet
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2001
Universality of tip singularity formation in freezing water drops
AG Marin, OR Enriquez, P Brunet, P Colinet, JH Snoeijer
Physical review letters 113 (5), 054301, 2014
Marangoni bursting: evaporation-induced emulsification of binary mixtures on a liquid layer
L Keiser, H Bense, P Colinet, J Bico, E Reyssat
Physical review letters 118 (7), 074504, 2017
Surface-tension-driven instabilities of a pure liquid layer evaporating into an inert gas
B Haut, P Colinet
Journal of colloid and interface science 285 (1), 296-305, 2005
Validity domain of the Benney equation including the Marangoni effect for closed and open flows
B Scheid, C Ruyer-Quil, U Thiele, OA Kabov, JC Legros, P Colinet
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 527, 303-335, 2005
Nonlinear evolution of nonuniformly heated falling liquid films
B Scheid, A Oron, P Colinet, U Thiele, JC Legros
Physics of fluids 14 (12), 4130-4151, 2002
On the refined integral method for the one-phase Stefan problem with time-dependent boundary conditions
N Sadoun, EK Si-Ahmed, P Colinet
Applied mathematical modelling 30 (6), 531-544, 2006
Vapor-based interferometric measurement of local evaporation rate and interfacial temperature of evaporating droplets
S Dehaeck, A Rednikov, P Colinet
Langmuir 30 (8), 2002-2008, 2014
Interfacial nonequilibrium and Benard-Marangoni instability of a liquid-vapor system
J Margerit, P Colinet, G Lebon, CS Iorio, JC Legros
Physical Review E 68 (4), 041601, 2003
Leidenfrost effect: Accurate drop shape modeling and refined scaling laws
B Sobac, A Rednikov, S Dorbolo, P Colinet
Physical Review E 90 (5), 053011, 2014
Effect of Marangoni flows on the shape of thin sessile droplets evaporating into air
Y Tsoumpas, S Dehaeck, A Rednikov, P Colinet
Langmuir 31 (49), 13334-13340, 2015
Final fate of a Leidenfrost droplet: Explosion or takeoff
S Lyu, V Mathai, Y Wang, B Sobac, P Colinet, D Lohse, C Sun
Science advances 5 (5), eaav8081, 2019
On the Hopf bifurcation occurring in the two‐layer Rayleigh–Bénard convective instability
P Colinet, JC Legros
Physics of fluids 6 (8), 2631-2639, 1994
Leidenfrost drops on a heated liquid pool
L Maquet, B Sobac, B Darbois-Texier, A Duchesne, M Brandenbourger, ...
Physical Review Fluids 1 (5), 053902, 2016
Interaction of three-dimensional hydrodynamic and thermocapillary instabilities in film flows
B Scheid, S Kalliadasis, C Ruyer-Quil, P Colinet
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (6 …, 2008
A comprehensive analysis of the evaporation of a liquid spherical drop
B Sobac, P Talbot, B Haut, A Rednikov, P Colinet
Journal of colloid and interface science 438, 306-317, 2015
Bénard instabilities in a binary-liquid layer evaporating into an inert gas
H Machrafi, A Rednikov, P Colinet, PC Dauby
Journal of colloid and interface science 349 (1), 331-353, 2010
Contact line arrest in solidifying spreading drops
R De Ruiter, P Colinet, P Brunet, JH Snoeijer, H Gelderblom
Physical review fluids 2 (4), 043602, 2017
Nonmonotonic Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities Driven by Gas–Liquid CO2 Chemisorption
C Wylock, A Rednikov, B Haut, P Colinet
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (38), 11323-11329, 2014
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Articles 1–20