John K. Coffey
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Cited by
A multi-study examination of well-being theory in college and community samples
JK Coffey, L Wray-Lake, D Mashek, B Branand
Journal of Happiness Studies 17 (1), 187-211, 2016
Does infant happiness forecast adult life satisfaction? Examining subjective well-being in the first quarter century of life
JK Coffey, MT Warren, AW Gottfried
Journal of Happiness Studies 16 (6), 1401-1421, 2015
Seven reasons to invest in well-being.
KH Howell, JK Coffey, GM Fosco, K Kracke, SK Nelson, EF Rothman, ...
Psychology of Violence 6 (1), 8, 2016
Comparing adolescent positive affect and self-esteem as precursors to adult self-esteem and life satisfaction
JK Coffey, MT Warren
Motivation and emotion 44 (5), 707-718, 2020
Associations between attachment narratives and self-report measures of attachment in middle childhood: Extending evidence for the validity of the Child Attachment Interview
JL Borelli, J Somers, JL West, JK Coffey, A De Los Reyes, ...
Journal of Child and Family Studies 25, 1235-1246, 2016
With or without you: Preliminary evidence that attachment avoidance predicts nondeployed spouses’ reactions to relationship challenges during deployment.
JL Borelli, DA Sbarra, JE Snavely, DL McMakin, JK Coffey, SK Ruiz, ...
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 45 (6), 478, 2014
Inclusion of College Community in the Self: A Longitudinal Study of the Role of Self-Expansion in Students’ Satisfaction
B Branand, D Mashek, L Wray-Lake, JK Coffey
When do adolescents feel loved? A daily within-person study of parent–adolescent relations.
JK Coffey, M Xia, GM Fosco
Emotion 22 (5), 861, 2022
Why do we travel? A positive psychological model for travel motivation
M Csikszentmihalyi, J Coffey
Positive tourism, 136-146, 2016
Cascades of infant happiness: Infant positive affect predicts childhood IQ and adult educational attainment.
JK Coffey
Emotion 20 (7), 1255, 2020
A longitudinal examination of a multidimensional well-being model in college and community samples
JK Coffey, L Wray-Lake, D Mashek, B Branand
Journal of Happiness Studies, 2015
Anger in response to challenge: Children’s emotion socialization predicts approach versus avoidance
PA Smiley, KV Buttitta, SY Chung, JK Coffey, BA Wang, JL Borelli
Motivation and Emotion 40, 923-935, 2016
Seven reasons to invest in well-being. Psychology of Violence, 6 (1), 8–14
KH Howell, JK Coffey, GM Fosco, K Kracke, SK Nelson, EF Rothman, ...
Shedding light on the specificity of school-aged children’s attachment narratives
JL Borelli, JA Somers, JL West, JK Coffey, Y Shmueli-Goetz
Attachment & Human Development 18 (2), 188-211, 2016
Safe haven gratitude improves emotions, well-being, and parenting outcomes among parents with high levels of attachment insecurity
SK Nelson-Coffey, C Johnson, JK Coffey
The Journal of Positive Psychology 18 (1), 75-85, 2023
Gratitude improves parents’ well-being and family functioning.
SK Nelson-Coffey, JK Coffey
Emotion 24 (2), 357, 2024
Sexual experiences and attachment styles in online and offline dating contexts
JK Coffey, DK Bond, JA Stern, N Van Why
International Journal of Sexual Health 34 (4), 665-678, 2022
Positive emotion expression at age 11 is associated with multiple well-being outcomes 39 years later
JK Coffey, SK Nelson-Coffey, H Parsley, M Pluess
Current Psychology 42 (25), 21954-21966, 2023
Positive psychology among infants and young children
JK Coffey
The handbook of positive psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press …, 2018
The Oxford handbook of positive psychology
JK Coffey, CR Snyder, SJ Lopez, LM Edwards, SC Marques
Oxford University Press,, 2018
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Articles 1–20