Tao Yang
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Cited by
A survey of distributed optimization
T Yang, X Yi, J Wu, Y Yuan, D Wu, Z Meng, Y Hong, H Wang, Z Lin, ...
Annual Reviews in Control 47, 278-305, 2019
Global consensus for discrete-time multi-agent systems with input saturation constraints
T Yang, Z Meng, DV Dimarogonas, KH Johansson
Automatica 50 (2), 499-506, 2014
Output synchronization for heterogeneous networks of non-introspective agents
HF Grip, T Yang, A Saberi, AA Stoorvogel
Automatica 48 (10), 2444-2453, 2012
A distributed algorithm for economic dispatch over time-varying directed networks with delays
T Yang, J Lu, D Wu, J Wu, G Shi, Z Meng, KH Johansson
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (6), 5095-5106, 2016
Optimal coordination of building loads and energy storage for power grid and end user services
H Hao, D Wu, J Lian, T Yang
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (5), 4335-4345, 2017
Intelligent manufacturing for the process industry driven by industrial artificial intelligence
T Yang, X Yi, S Lu, KH Johansson, T Chai
Engineering 7 (9), 1224-1230, 2021
Constructing consensus controllers for networks with identical general linear agents
T Yang, S Roy, Y Wan, A Saberi
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 21 (11), 1237-1256, 2011
Distributed event-triggered control for global consensus of multi-agent systems with input saturation
X Yi, T Yang, J Wu, KH Johansson
Automatica 100, 1-9, 2019
Consensus in the network with uniform constant communication delay
X Wang, A Saberi, AA Stoorvogel, HF Grip, T Yang
Automatica 49 (8), 2461-2467, 2013
Distributed finite-time average consensus in digraphs in the presence of time delays
T Charalambous, Y Yuan, T Yang, W Pan, CN Hadjicostis, M Johansson
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 2 (4), 370-381, 2015
Output synchronization for heterogeneous networks of introspective right‐invertible agents
T Yang, A Saberi, AA Stoorvogel, HF Grip
International journal of robust and nonlinear control 24 (13), 1821-1844, 2014
Minimum-time consensus-based approach for power system applications
T Yang, D Wu, Y Sun, J Lian
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (2), 1318-1328, 2015
Distributed optimal coordination for distributed energy resources in power systems
D Wu, T Yang, AA Stoorvogel, J Stoustrup
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 14 (2), 414-424, 2016
Distributed bandit online convex optimization with time-varying coupled inequality constraints
X Yi, X Li, T Yang, L Xie, T Chai, KH Johansson
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (10), 4620-4635, 2020
Distributed optimization for second-order multi-agent systems with dynamic event-triggered communication
X Yi, L Yao, T Yang, J George, KH Johansson
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3397-3402, 2018
Economic analysis and optimal sizing for behind-the-meter battery storage
D Wu, M Kintner-Meyer, T Yang, P Balducci
2016 IEEE power and energy society general meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2016
Coordinated output regulation of heterogeneous linear systems under switching topologies
Z Meng, T Yang, DV Dimarogonas, KH Johansson
Automatica 53, 362-368, 2015
Distributed optimal dispatch of distributed energy resources over lossy communication networks
J Wu, T Yang, D Wu, K Kalsi, KH Johansson
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8 (6), 3125-3137, 2017
Graph convolutional network soft sensor for process quality prediction
M Jia, D Xu, T Yang, Y Liu, Y Yao
Journal of Process Control 123, 12-25, 2023
Semi‐global regulation of output synchronization for heterogeneous networks of non‐introspective, invertible agents subject to actuator saturation
T Yang, AA Stoorvogel, HF Grip, A Saberi
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2012
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Articles 1–20