Joshua A. Lim
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Cited by
Magnon spectrum of the helimagnetic insulator Cu2OSeO3
PY Portnichenko, J Romhányi, YA Onykiienko, A Henschel, M Schmidt, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 10725, 2016
Neutron spin echo spectroscopy under 17 T magnetic field at RESEDA
J Kindervater, N Martin, W Haeussler, M Krautloher, C Fuchs, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 83, 03008, 2015
Cr-doped TiO2 (rutile): Ferromagnetism in bulk form?
SM Koohpayeh, AJ Williams, JS Abell, J Lim, E Blackburn
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (7), 073919-073919-6, 2010
Experimental characterization of a prototype secondary spectrometer for vertically scattering multiple energy analysis at cold-neutron triple axis spectrometers
R Toft-Petersen, F Groitl, M Kure, J Lim, P Čermák, S Alimov, T Wilpert, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2016
BAMBUS: A new inelastic multiplexed neutron spectrometer for PANDA
JA Lim, K Siemensmeyer, P Čermák, B Lake, A Schneidewind, DS Inosov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 592 (1), 012145, 2015
Unexpected phase locking of magnetic fluctuations in the multi-k magnet USb
JA Lim, E Blackburn, N Magnani, A Hiess, LP Regnault, R Caciuffo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (6), 064421, 2013
Coherent magnetic diffraction from the uranium M4 edge in the multi-k magnet, USb
JA Lim, E Blackburn, G Beutier, F Livet, N Magnani, A Bombardi, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 519 (1), 012010, 2014
Influence of the Fermi Surface Morphology on the Magnetic Field-Driven Vortex Lattice Structure Transitions in YBa2Cu3O7−δ: δ = 0, 0.15
NG Leos, JS White, JA Lim, JL Gavilano, B Delley, L Lemberger, ...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 84 (4), 044709, 2015
The role of local versus itinerant magnetism: studies of dilute magnetic semiconductors and multi-k magnets
JA Lim
University of Birmingham, 2013
Observations on the Resonant Mode in Superconducting KxFe2−ySe2
JA Lim, R Morisaki, L Lemberger, LP Regnault, Y Takano, H Takeya, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron …, 2014
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Articles 1–10