Dana McMakin
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Cited by
Anhedonia predicts poorer recovery among youth with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment–resistant depression
DL McMakin, TM Olino, G Porta, LJ Dietz, G Emslie, G Clarke, KD Wagner, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 51 (4), 404-411, 2012
Protecting adolescents from self-harm: a critical review of intervention studies
DA Brent, DL McMakin, BD Kennard, TR Goldstein, TL Mayes, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 52 (12 …, 2013
Relationship processes in youth psychotherapy: Measuring alliance, alliance-building behaviors, and client involvement
M Karver, S Shirk, JB Handelsman, S Fields, H Crisp, G Gudmundsen, ...
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 16 (1), 15-28, 2008
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Machine learning of neural representations of suicide and emotion concepts identifies suicidal youth
MA Just, L Pan, VL Cherkassky, DL McMakin, C Cha, MK Nock, D Brent
Nature human behaviour 1 (12), 911-919, 2017
Sleep and anxiety in late childhood and early adolescence
DL McMakin, CA Alfano
Current opinion in psychiatry 28 (6), 483-489, 2015
Neural response to reward as a predictor of increases in depressive symptoms in adolescence
JK Morgan, TM Olino, DL McMakin, ND Ryan, EE Forbes
Neurobiology of disease 52, 66-74, 2013
Alliance and outcome in cognitive-behavioral therapy for adolescent depression
SR Shirk, G Gudmundsen, HC Kaplinski, DL McMakin
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 37 (3), 631-639, 2008
Why do anxious children become depressed teenagers? The role of social evaluative threat and reward processing
JS Silk, S Davis, DL McMakin, RE Dahl, EE Forbes
Psychological medicine 42 (10), 2095-2107, 2012
Reduced reward anticipation in youth at high-risk for unipolar depression: a preliminary study
TM Olino, DL McMakin, JK Morgan, JS Silk, B Birmaher, DA Axelson, ...
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 8, 55-64, 2014
Positive Affect Stimulation and Sustainment (PASS) module for depressed mood: A preliminary investigation of treatment-related effects
DL McMakin, GJ Siegle, SR Shirk
Cognitive therapy and research 35, 217-226, 2011
As Safe as Possible (ASAP): a brief app-supported inpatient intervention to prevent postdischarge suicidal behavior in hospitalized, suicidal adolescents
BD Kennard, T Goldstein, AA Foxwell, DL McMakin, K Wolfe, ...
American journal of psychiatry 175 (9), 864-872, 2018
A randomized clinical trial comparing individual cognitive behavioral therapy and child-centered therapy for child anxiety disorders
JS Silk, PZ Tan, CD Ladouceur, S Meller, GJ Siegle, DL McMakin, ...
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 47 (4), 542-554, 2018
The impact of experimental sleep restriction on affective functioning in social and nonsocial contexts among adolescents
DL McMakin, RE Dahl, DJ Buysse, JC Cousins, EE Forbes, JS Silk, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 57 (9), 1027-1037, 2016
Adolescent development of inhibition as a function of SES and gender: Converging evidence from behavior and fMRI
JM Spielberg, EM Galarce, CD Ladouceur, DL McMakin, TM Olino, ...
Human brain mapping 36 (8), 3194-3203, 2015
Polyunsaturated fatty acid status and aggression in cocaine addicts
L Buydens-Branchey, M Branchey, DL McMakin, JR Hibbeln
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 71 (3), 319-323, 2003
“I won, but I'm not getting my hopes up”: Depression moderates the relationship of outcomes and reward anticipation
TM Olino, DL McMakin, RE Dahl, ND Ryan, JS Silk, B Birmaher, ...
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 194 (3), 393-395, 2011
Developing a brief suicide prevention intervention and mobile phone application: a qualitative report
BD Kennard, C Biernesser, KL Wolfe, AA Foxwell, SJ Craddock Lee, ...
Journal of technology in human services 33 (4), 345-357, 2015
A cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness-based group sleep intervention improves behavior problems in at-risk adolescents by improving perceived sleep quality
MJ Blake, L Snoep, M Raniti, O Schwartz, JM Waloszek, JG Simmons, ...
Behaviour research and therapy 99, 147-156, 2017
Who benefits from adolescent sleep interventions? Moderators of treatment efficacy in a randomized controlled trial of a cognitive‐behavioral and mindfulness‐based group sleep …
MJ Blake, LM Blake, O Schwartz, M Raniti, JM Waloszek, G Murray, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 59 (6), 637-649, 2018
With or without you: Preliminary evidence that attachment avoidance predicts nondeployed spouses’ reactions to relationship challenges during deployment.
JL Borelli, DA Sbarra, JE Snavely, DL McMakin, JK Coffey, SK Ruiz, ...
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 45 (6), 478, 2014
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Articles 1–20