Ivan Petrella, I. Petrella
Ivan Petrella, I. Petrella
Collegio Carlo Alberto, University of Turin and University of Warwick
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Speculation in the oil market
L Juvenal, I Petrella
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2014
Tracking the slowdown in long-run GDP growth
J Antolin-Diaz, T Drechsel, I Petrella
Review of Economics and Statistics 99 (2), 343-356, 2017
Structural scenario analysis with SVARs
J Antolin-Diaz, I Petrella, JF Rubio-Ramírez
Journal of Monetary Economics 117, 798-815, 2021
Loss aversion and the asymmetric transmission of monetary policy
E Santoro, I Petrella, D Pfajfar, E Gaffeo
Journal of Monetary Economics 68, 19-36, 2014
Leverage and deepening business cycle skewness
H Jensen, I Petrella, SH Ravn, E Santoro
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 12, 245-281, 2020
Modeling and forecasting macroeconomic downside risk
A De Polis, D Delle Monache, I Petrella
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2023
Factor demand linkages, technology shocks, and the business cycle
S Holly, I Petrella
Review of Economics and Statistics 94 (4), 948-963, 2012
Advances in nowcasting economic activity: The role of heterogeneous dynamics and fat tails
J Antolín-Díaz, T Drechsel, I Petrella
Journal of Econometrics 238 (2), 105634, 2024
Adaptive models and heavy tails with an application to inflation forecasting
D Delle Monache, I Petrella
International Journal of Forecasting, 2016
Gibrat’s law and quantile regressions: An application to firm growth
R Distante, I Petrella, E Santoro
Economics letters 164, 5-9, 2018
Terms-of-Trade Shocks are Not all Alike
F Di Pace, L Juvenal, I Petrella
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP14594, 2020
Input–output interactions and optimal monetary policy
I Petrella, E Santoro
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 35 (11), 1817-1830, 2011
Monetary Policy with Sectoral Trade‐Offs
I Petrella, R Rossi, E Santoro
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 121 (1), 55-88, 2019
Aggregate fluctuations and the cross-sectional dynamics of firm growth
S Holly, I Petrella, E Santoro
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 176 …, 2013
Commodity prices and inflation risk
A Garratt, I Petrella
Journal of Applied Econometrics 37 (2), 392-414, 2022
Time-varying price flexibility and inflation dynamics
I Petrella, E Santoro, L de la Porte Simonsen
Available at SSRN 3206793, 2018
Inflation dynamics and real marginal costs: New evidence from US manufacturing industries
I Petrella, E Santoro
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 36 (5), 779-794, 2012
Price dividend ratio and long-run stock returns: A score-driven state space model
DD Monache, I Petrella, F Venditti
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 39 (4), 1054-1065, 2021
Risk premia and seasonality in commodity futures
C Hevia, I Petrella, M Sola
Journal of Applied Econometrics 33 (6), 853-873, 2018
Adaptive state space models with applications to the business cycle and financial stress
D Delle Monache, I Petrella, F Venditti
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP11599, 2016
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Articles 1–20