Dr. R.G. S. Wijesekara
Dr. R.G. S. Wijesekara
Head/Senior Lecturer, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
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Trophic interactions in the coastal ecosystem of Sri Lanka: an ECOPATH preliminary approach
SSK Haputhantri, MCS Villanueva, J Moreau
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 76 (2), 304-318, 2008
A study on some aspect of reproductive biology and populaton characteristics of Amblygaster sirm in the west coast of Sri Lanka
A Athukoorala, KHK Bandaranayaka, SSK Haputhantri
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2 (4), 41-45, 2015
Monitoring the trends of marine ornamental fish collection in Sri Lanka
D Wilhelmsson, SSK Haputhantri, A Rajasuriya, SP Vidanage
Coral degradation in the Indian Ocean: Status Report, 158-166, 2002
A review on billfish fishery resources in Sri Lanka
SSK Haputhantri, R Maldeniya
Ninth Working Party on Billfish, Seychelles, 4–8 July 2011, 2011
Predictive models for penaeid shrimp abundance in the seas off Negombo and Hendala, Sri Lanka
SSK Haputhantri, P Jayawardane
Fisheries research 77 (1), 34-44, 2006
Analysis of Kawakawa (Euthynnis affinis) landings in Sri Lanka and estimation of the length-weight and length-length relationships
SSK Haputhantri, KHK Bandaranayake
IOTC—2013—WPNT03—34 Rev l, 2013
Exploring gillnet catch efficiency of sardines in the coastal waters of Sri Lanka by means of three statistical techniques: a comparison of linear and nonlinear modelling …
SSK Haputhantri, J Moreau, S Lek
Journal of Applied Statistics 36 (2), 167-179, 2009
Standardized abundance indices for trenched Sardine Amblygaster sirm in coastal fishery of Sri Lanka.
SSK Haputhantri, S Lek, J Moreau
Journal of Applied Statistics 36, 167-179, 2009
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