Rana Farah
Cited by
Cited by
Simultaneous tumor and surrogate motion tracking with dynamic MRI for radiation therapy planning
S Park, R Farah, SM Shea, E Tryggestad, R Hales, J Lee
Physics in Medicine & Biology 63 (2), 025015, 2018
A method for efficient mapping and reliable routing for NoC architectures with minimum bandwidth and area
HM Harmanani, R Farah
2008 Joint 6th International IEEE Northeast Workshop on Circuits and Systems …, 2008
Catching a rat by its edglets
R Farah, JMP Langlois, GA Bilodeau
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 22 (2), 668-678, 2012
Rat: Robust animal tracking
R Farah, JMP Langlois, GA Bilodeau
2011 IEEE international symposium on robotic and sensors environments (ROSE …, 2011
A multiobjective optimization method for the SOC test time, TAM, and power optimization using a strength pareto evolutionary algorithm
W Marrouche, R Farah, HM Harmanani
Information technology-new generations: 14th international conference on …, 2018
An Ant Colony Optimization approach for test pattern generation
R Farah, HM Harmanani
2008 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 001397-001402, 2008
Where is the rat? Tracking in low contrast thermographic images
GA Bilodeau, R Ghali, S Desgent, P Langlois, R Farah, PL St-Onge, ...
CVPR 2011 WORKSHOPS, 55-60, 2011
Integrating wrapper design, TAM assignment, and test scheduling for SOC test optimization
HM Harmanani, R Farah
2008 Joint 6th International IEEE Northeast Workshop on Circuits and Systems …, 2008
A strength pareto evolutionary algorithm for optimizing system-on-chip test schedules
W Marrouche, R Farah, HM Harmanani
International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 17 (02 …, 2018
A tracking algorithm suitable for embedded systems implementation
R Farah, Q Gan, JMP Langlois, GA Bilodeau, Y Savaria
2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and …, 2011
A method for efficient NoC test scheduling using deterministic routing
R Farah, H Harmanani
23rd IEEE International SOC Conference, 363-366, 2010
Integrated test scheduling, wrapper design, and TAM assignment for hierarchical SOC
HM Harmanani, R Farah
2007 50th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1388-1391, 2007
Evaluation of lung tumor motion management in radiation therapy with dynamic MRI
S Park, R Farah, SM Shea, E Tryggestad, R Hales, J Lee
Medical Imaging 2017: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and …, 2017
Computing a rodent’s diary
R Farah, JMP Langlois, GA Bilodeau
Signal, Image and Video Processing 10, 567-574, 2016
A computationally efficient importance sampling tracking algorithm
R Farah, Q Gan, JMP Langlois, GA Bilodeau, Y Savaria
Machine vision and applications 25 (7), 1761-1777, 2014
Comparative analysis of contrast enhancement algorithms in surveillance imaging
DC Gil, R Farah, JMP Langlois, GA Bilodeau, Y Savaria
2011 IEEE International Symposium of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 849-852, 2011
Reasoning Engine for Support Maintenance
R Farah, S Hallé, J Li, F Lécué, B Abeloos, D Perron, J Mattioli, ...
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2020: 19th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2020
TH‐CD‐207A‐01: Evaluation of Lung Tumor Motion Management Strategy with Dynamic MRI
R Farah, S Park, S Shea, E Tryggestad, J Wong, R Hales, J Lee
Medical Physics 43 (6Part45), 3879-3879, 2016
SU‐F‐303‐01: 4D‐MRI Reconstruction Using Group‐Wise Registration
R Farah, S Shea, E Tryggestad, RT Forbang, J Wong, R Hales, J Lee
Medical Physics 42 (6Part26), 3537-3537, 2015
Computer Vision Tools for Rodent Monitoring
R Farah
École Polytechnique de Montréal, 2013
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Articles 1–20