Rebecca Albright
Cited by
Cited by
Reversal of ocean acidification enhances net coral reef calcification
R Albright, L Caldeira, J Hosfelt, L Kwiatkowski, JK Maclaren, BM Mason, ...
Nature 531 (7594), 362-365, 2016
Ocean acidification compromises recruitment success of the threatened Caribbean coral Acropora palmata
R Albright, B Mason, M Miller, C Langdon
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (47), 20400-20404, 2010
Ocean acidification impacts multiple early life history processes of the Caribbean coral Porites astreoides
R Albright, C Langdon
Global change biology 17 (7), 2478-2487, 2011
Effect of aragonite saturation state on settlement and post-settlement growth of Porites astreoides larvae
R Albright, B Mason, C Langdon
Coral Reefs 27, 485-490, 2008
Carbon dioxide addition to coral reef waters suppresses net community calcification
R Albright, Y Takeshita, DA Koweek, A Ninokawa, K Wolfe, T Rivlin, ...
Nature 555 (7697), 516-519, 2018
Dynamics of seawater carbonate chemistry, production, and calcification of a coral reef flat, central Great Barrier Reef
R Albright, C Langdon, KRN Anthony
Biogeosciences 10 (10), 6747-6758, 2013
Taking the metabolic pulse of the world’s coral reefs
T Cyronak, AJ Andersson, C Langdon, R Albright, NR Bates, K Caldeira, ...
PloS one 13 (1), e0190872, 2018
Reviewing the effects of ocean acidification on sexual reproduction and early life history stages of reef‐building corals
R Albright
Journal of Marine Sciences 2011 (1), 473615, 2011
Projected Near-Future Levels of Temperature and pCO2 Reduce Coral Fertilization Success
R Albright, B Mason
PLoS One 8 (2), e56468, 2013
Coral‐bleaching responses to climate change across biological scales
R Van Woesik, T Shlesinger, AG Grottoli, RJ Toonen, R Vega Thurber, ...
Global change biology 28 (14), 4229-4250, 2022
Impacts of ocean acidification on early life-history stages and settlement of the coral-eating sea star Acanthaster planci
S Uthicke, D Pecorino, R Albright, AP Negri, N Cantin, M Liddy, ...
PLoS One 8 (12), e82938, 2013
Global biogeography of coral recruitment: tropical decline and subtropical increase
NN Price, S Muko, L Legendre, R Steneck, MJH van Oppen, R Albright, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 621, 1-17, 2019
Coral reef metabolism and carbon chemistry dynamics of a coral reef flat
R Albright, J Benthuysen, N Cantin, K Caldeira, K Anthony
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (10), 3980-3988, 2015
Juvenile growth of the tropical sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus exposed to near-future ocean acidification scenarios
R Albright, C Bland, P Gillette, JE Serafy, C Langdon, TR Capo
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 426, 12-17, 2012
Human impacts on connectivity in marine and freshwater ecosystems assessed using graph theory: a review
MI Saunders, CJ Brown, MM Foley, CM Febria, R Albright, MG Mehling, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 67 (3), 277-290, 2015
Ocean acidification: Linking science to management solutions using the Great Barrier Reef as a case study
R Albright, KRN Anthony, M Baird, R Beeden, M Byrne, C Collier, S Dove, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 182, 641-650, 2016
Applying coral breeding to reef restoration: best practices, knowledge gaps, and priority actions in a rapidly‐evolving field
AT Banaszak, KL Marhaver, MW Miller, AC Hartmann, R Albright, ...
Restoration Ecology 31 (7), e13913, 2023
Geographic variation in long-term trajectories of change in coral recruitment: a global-to-local perspective
PJ Edmunds, R Steneck, R Albright, RC Carpenter, APY Chui, TY Fan, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 66 (7), 609-622, 2015
A review of interventions proposed to abate impacts of ocean acidification on coral reefs
R Albright, S Cooley
Regional Studies in Marine Science 29, 100612, 2019
Autonomous in situ calibration of ion‐sensitive field effect transistor pH sensors
PJ Bresnahan, Y Takeshita, T Wirth, TR Martz, T Cyronak, R Albright, ...
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 19 (2), 132-144, 2021
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Articles 1–20